"Up." The guard directed me, gesturing to a ladder. I climbed up the ladder, not wanting to get in more trouble than I already was.

On the other level was a room with seats all around, every seats accompanied with bright red seatbelts. 

These psychos are sending a hundred kids to a radioactive planet in an unstable metal box. 


Everyone had been loaded on to the drop ship. All the guards had left. And they had launched us.

A bunch of kids. Alone. On a irradiated planet. We all were scared to the bone.

My wrist felt extremely sore, I looked down to see one of those metal bracelets that the guard had in the box before. I didn't even notice the guard put it on. 

All of a sudden, the room started shaking. I gripped the seatbelt that was securing me in my seat. A video of Chancellor Jaha started playing.

"Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now. You have been given a second chance. And as your Chancellor, it is my hope that you see this as not only a chance for you, but a chance for all of us." I rolled my eyes. The jackass was sending us to Earth. I've never liked Jaha. This just added to my hatred for the bitch.

I looked to my side for a distraction from the stupid Chancellor's message. Next to me, I saw a boy wearing a tan beanie. I noticed he was the boy who was locked up for wasting three months of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk. He was dubbed 'Spacewalker' after his arrest.

"Hey, there." He smiled. "I'm Finn."

"Ophelia." I grinned, having to raise my voice a little because of the noise. He unbuckled his seatbelt and started floating upwards. He swam in the air and extended his hand out to me. 

"Care to join, Ophelia?"

I grinned from ear to ear and unbuckled my seatbelt too, letting the lack of gravity take me. I floated up and spun around. Kids around me were cheering. I felt so... free. Something I've never felt in my life. 

In my logic, if I was gonna die being sent to Earth, I may as well have some fun before I do.

"Spacewalker Bandit strikes again!" A delinquent yelled.

I made my way over to Octavia and pretended to lie on my back in front of her. She laughed an shook her head in joking disapproval. 

Two more boys followed us out of our seats and a blonde girl started yelling, "Stay put if you wanna live!"

Party pooper. 

The Chancellor's son sat beside her. I was surprised to see that he had got arrested. "Strap in before the parachutes deploy." This idiot is just like his dad.

Then something went wrong and the entire ship took a big jolt, causing me to go flying into a wall, hitting my head on something hard. Sparks started flying everywhere and pipes started steaming, which obviously wasn't good. Delinquents were screaming in terror, thinking we were all going to die.

The entire ship was shaking, I was gripping onto the back of someone's seat for support. The lights flickered, loud crashes and rumbling was heard.

Then it all stopped.

"Listen." A familiar voice yelled, I couldn't see their face. "No machine hum." It sounded like... Monty? No, it couldn't be. Monty was still up on the Ark. With my brother.

I could hear everyone unbuckling their seatbelts and standing up. The blonde girl rushed over to me. I had a pounding headache but apart from that, I was unharmed.

"You alright?" She asked. I nodded with an 'mhm' as I stood up. The blonde girl rushed over to the other two boys and Finn, who was unharmed.

Someone yelled that the other door is on the lower level and we all rushed down the ladder. I was the first one down. I made my way through the crowd that had formed on the lower level.

"Hey, just back it up, guys." A boy yelled from the front of the crowd.

"Just open the door already." I rolled my eyes. The boy in front of me looked to be around his early twenties, he had slicked back hair and wore a guards uniform. He was about to open the door before the blonde girl from earlier made her way down the ladder.

"Stop!" She said as she climbed down. She made her way through the crowd, coming face to face with the guard. "The air could be toxic."

"If the air's toxic, we'll all die anyways. What else are we gonna do? We'll run out of air or starve to death if we stay in here." I shot back.

"Bellamy?" A very familiar voice came from behind the crowd. Octavia climbed down the ladder and made her way to the front of the crowd. The guard was her brother.

"Oh, my God." Bellamy smiled at his sister. "Look how big you are." The siblings hugged. It made me feel kind of sad. Possibly even jealous. My brother was still up on the Ark, he never got arrested. I was never going to see him again.

The siblings exchanged a few more words before the blonde girl spoke up again. "Where's your wristband?" She asked the guard.

Octavia whipped her head around. "Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year."

"No one has a brother!" Someone yelled from the crowd.

"That's Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden under the floor." Another yelled.

"I wonder if the other freak is here, too." 

That ticked off Octavia. She went to lunge forward for the person who said it but her brother held her back. "Octavia. Octavia, no." Her brother said sternly as she struggled out of his grip.

"Give them something else to remember you by." Said Bellamy.

"Yeah, like what?" Octavia snapped.

"Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years." Octavia grinned at her brother's words. Her brother pulled the lever to open the door. I was immediately blinded by a bright light.

Octavia took a deep breath before turning around and facing me. She extended her hand out to me, offering to join her. I nodded, grinning like the Cheshire Cat from this old movie I saw once.

I took her hand and breathed in the sweet scent of Earth. It was unlike anything I had ever smelt. I had to squint for my eyes to adjust. In front of me was so much green, it was beautiful. There were tall, vibrant, mossy trees above us and millions of luscious plants below us.

Octavia and I walked slowly in sync down the ramp. We stopped at the edge, hand in hand. We smiled at each other before jumping off the ramp, landing on the ground. We looked at one another again, knowing what we were thinking. The two of us threw our hands in the air and screamed.

"We're back, bitches!"

word count- 1649

a/n: helloooo everyone and welcome to my new story!!!! you wanted a murphy fic, here it is! please note that updates probably wont be really really often since i am currently working on 3 books and its a lot to handle haha. anyways, hope you're enjoying the story so far! love you all xx

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