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"there's a lot of things you don't know about me, mister murphy."

"Hey everyone, they're back!" A boy announced. The fog had finally cleared and everyone was waiting to see if Bellamy and his hunting party or Clarke, Finn and Wells had made it back. They did.

I was up in the drop ship when they came back, thankfully, with some medicine. I helped Clarke boil the water and make a tea for Jasper. I held my brother's unconscious head up, helping him drink the medicine. 

Octavia came up to the third level, her face stained with tears.

"Hey, O. What happened? You okay?" I rushed.

"Atom's dead." She replied bluntly.

"Octavia, I'm really sorry." Clarke sympathized.

"Guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying down here, aren't we?" Octavia gulped. She looked down to Jasper. "But not you, you hear me? You're not allowed to die." She whispered to my brother.

Clarke went to talk to Wells, leaving only Octavia, Finn, Monty and I in the drop ship with an unconscious Jasper. Finn had found a bottle of alcohol while he, Clarke and Wells were gone and we all decided to share what was left of it.

"Smooth." Monty said after taking a swig, then coughing slightly right after saying it. He held the drink out to me next.

"Thanks." I muttered, grabbing the bottle and taking a gulp, the liquid sending a burn down the back of my throat. I was never really one to drink, but 'why not?', I guess. I figured we should at least have some fun before we die. I scrunched up my face at the taste. "Gross." I said before Octavia chuckled, taking the bottle from my hand. "Wait, I want more." I said, grabbing the bottle back and taking another sip.

"Disgusting. Love it." Octavia said, handing it to Finn.

"Can I... Can I get a hit of that?" A weak voice asked from across the room. I practically flew out of my seat and to my brother's side.

"Jasper." We all sighed in relief.

"Let's start with the soft stuff." Finn chuckled, holding some water to Jasper's lips, allowing him to drink it. "Welcome back, buddy."

"You asshole. Don't you dare scare me like that again." I scolded my brother, earning a small chuckle from everyone else. I had tears of relief spilling down my cheeks. 

"Was that a dream or did I get speared?" Jasper asked weakly.

"You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it." Clarke came up the ladder.

"My savior." Jasper cheered.

"Thank you for not dying. I don't think I could have taken that today." Clarke smiled at Jasper. 

"I'll try not to die tomorrow too, if that's cool." Jasper replied, earning a laugh from the rest of us.


I was so relieved that Jasper was finally okay. I spent most of the next day taking care of him. Clarke's orders. Monty suggested - make that insisted - that I take a break, so I left the drop ship for the first time in a while and found a tree to lean against. 

I looked out at the view of the mountains on the horizon. The sun was setting just behind them. I had always longed to see a sunset when I was on the Ark. 

"Hey." A voice said from beside me, scaring the shit out of me. 

I accidentally let out a small yelp in surprise before realizing who was next to me. "Holy shit. Don't scare me like that." I put a hand on my chest to steady my breathing.

sunset|| j.murphyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora