5||rescue mission

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"there's a story there"

We walked through the woods, Clarke and Wells walked in front of the group, Bellamy and Murphy at the back of the group and I was kind of just stuck in the middle.

"What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart." Bellamy asked, waving his pistol around carelessly.

"You wanna repeat that?" I dared, stepping in front of him. 

"Hey, put the gun away, Bellamy." Wells spat.

"Why don't you do something about it?" Murphy shoved the Chancellor's son. 

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart he'd have died instantly." Clarke stepped in. "That doesn't mean we have time to waste." Maybe Blondie wasn't so bad after all. She's the only one here who seems to give somewhat of a shit about my brother.

Before she could walk off, Bellamy grabbed her wrist. "As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go." He quipped.

Clarke ripped her hand away from his grasp. "The only way the Ark is gonna think I'm dead is if I'm dead. Got it?" She snapped. 

"Brave princess." Bellamy taunted.

"Hey, why don't you find your own nickname?" Finn, the 'great adventurer' approached us. "You call this a rescue party? Gotta split up, cover more ground. Go in pairs. Clarke, you're with me." 

"Better late than never." Clarke muttered as she walked away with Finn. 

"Jaha, you're with me." Said Bellamy. Great, that means I'm stuck with Murphy. 

"You're seriously gonna leave me with her?" Murphy gaped at Bellamy.

"Try not to sound so excited." I said, shoving past him and leading the way. 


"So, Goggle Boy's your brother?" Murphy asked, trying to make conversation. 

"Twin brother." I corrected bluntly. By now, the others were out of sight and we were just walking somewhat in the direction Clarke told us to.

"Twins, huh? Thought that was supposed to be impossible." Said Murphy, sounding surprised. It was supposed to be impossible. When a woman was pregnant on the Ark, if they discovered twins, one of them would have to be terminated. But in my case, they didn't know I existed. 

"Apparently not." I replied, pressing my lips into a firm line. I really could not care less about making conversation with this boy right now. All I wanted was to find my brother. "Can we just not talk about my brother. Please." 

"Fine. Whatever." Murphy agreed nonchalantly. "How about you take that wristband off?" 

I knew that the odds of us surviving would be better if more of us left our wristbands on and the Ark came down to help us. But then again, I wasn't too fond of the idea of those jackasses that floated my mother and locked me up for being born coming down here and be in charge again.

Murphy could apparently sense my hesitation. "You really wanna help them? After everything they did to you?" He asked as if the answers were obvious.

"No. But I wanna survive. And if letting them come down here to help us against whoever is out there, then so be it." I shot back. "How'd you get locked up?" I asked, changing the subject. Maybe a conversation would help me get my mind off Jasper.

"Arson." He answered simply.

"There's a story there." I assumed. 

"Guard floats my dad. I set fire to the guard's quarters. Guard dies. I get arrested. Here I am." He answered simply. 

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