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"you know you like it"

I am going to murder those two with my bare hands. After this sickness passes of course, so I don't accidentally kill them before I can... well, kill them. 

I heard cheering coming from outside and people congratulating my brother and Monty, so I was assuming they were back. 

"Hear that? They're back, there's nothing to worry about." Octavia comforted. "Now, get some rest. You'll feel better later."

"I'm not tired." I replied. I really wasn't. I took a sip of water, hoping to clear the pounding in my head. 

A couple hours later, the sun was setting and I was feeling much better. The sickness had pretty much completely passed. Not just for me, for nearly everyone. Clarke cleared groups at a time to leave the drop ship and go to the lake to wash off all the blood and germs. 

I was one of the first people to get cleared, my group consisting of Murphy, myself, a boy named Alex, and a girl named Monroe. The rule was one gun per group, in case of Grounders. I had our gun, for some unknown reason, I was the one who was 'most trusted' to carry a weapon. 

We tracked through the forest, to the lake that wasn't occupied by man eating snakes. The one Clarke said she and Finn passed when we went to find Jasper. I was at the front of the group with Monroe, while Alex was shitting himself, thinking every moving animal and bug we passed was a Grounder. Murphy was at the back of the group, making a comment on anything and everything I said. At least he was back to his snarky, cocky self. 

We made it to the lake and I could not be happier to be able to wash all the dry blood and overall disgustingness off my body from the absolute hell I've been through the past few days - weeks, I can't even remember how long it's been. Unfortunately for me, I had the gun, so I had to wait for the others to wash off, while I stayed on lookout for Grounders. Can't leave ourselves defenseless. 

Murphy wasted no time stripping down to his boxers and jumping into the water. The others were quick to follow. Monroe, Murphy and Alex spent about ten minutes in the water, washing off and splashing around. Alex and Monroe got out while Murphy continued embracing the cool relief of the water. I can't blame him. The guy hasn't showered or washed off since we landed. 

"Hey, Ophelia. Cool if we head back to camp?" Monroe asked. 

"Far be it from me to stop you. Here." I handed her the gun. 

"What about you?" 

"I've got a knife, I'll be fine. If anything goes wrong, I have Murphy to throw at the Grounders so I can run." I replied with a chuckle.

So Monroe and Alex left, leaving me with Murphy. Why on Earth did I have to let them go by themselves. 

Murphy's complicated. He can be somewhat bearable in certain situations. 'Certain situations' being when we are both on the brink of death and he doesn't have the energy to be an insufferable, annoying idiot. 

"You gonna get in or what?" Murphy hollered from the water as he shook his head under the waterfall. "You look really gross, so..." 

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, ignoring him as I took off my jacket. I then took off my black cargo pants and t-shirt, leaving me in just my bra and underwear. I really could not care less if Murphy saw me in my underwear. 

I caught Murphy staring at me as I undressed. I cocked an eyebrow at him, and he stammered, at a loss for words. 

"What's the matter, John?" I smirked. "Nothing you haven't seen before." It wasn't. Granted, it wasn't in any decent circumstances, it was when the Grounders were drilling us with questions and using us as punching bags.

sunset|| j.murphyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin