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"you're gonna show us the antidote or you're gonna wish you had."

I woke up to the sound of chatter around me. I had the shittiest sleep. When I shut my eyes, it felt like I was back at the Grounder camp, being beaten and drilled with questions. And then right when I think it's over, it's like I'm sucked back in with all the air being taken out of my lungs with the rough feeling of rope around my neck.

I opened my eye to see that the second floor of the drop ship had filled with almost every delinquent in camp.

"How long was I asleep?" I looked to see Octavia beside me, my voice raspy and sore. 

"Only about a half hour." Octavia answered. "Here. Go nuts." He said, handing me a bowl of something and a canteen of water. 

"Bless you, O." I sighed in relief.        

Food. The one thing I had been dreaming about for the past week. In the little metal bowl he handed me was some kind of meat, some berries and some nuts. Probably more than a ration's worth.

"Hey, why does she get food when we have to wait until rations get passed out?" Some random guy asked. 

"Here." I threw a berry at the boy and hit him in the head with it. I turned to Octavia beside me. "Where's Monty and Jasper?" I asked as I popped a bit of meat into my mouth.

"I don't know, they left a while ago. They're not back yet." She answered. That's when I started worrying. "Don't worry. They're smart. They'll find somewhere to ride it out." She assured. I nodded, knowing she was right.

"What's going on downstairs?" I muttered hoarsely. "Why's everybody up here?"

"Clarke and Raven are trying to save Finn." Octavia explained. "It was too crowded down there so they kicked everyone up here." 

"Who's Raven?" I asked. I knew majority of the delinquents and had never heard the name Raven amongst us. 

"She's the girl that came down in the pod. Finn's girlfriend." She replied. 

"No way. But weren't Clarke and Finn-" I said, surprised. 

"I thought so, too." Octavia cut me off. "Let's just hope he survives long enough to choose between them." 

"Yeah." I agreed. "What the actual fuck?" I exclaimed weakly, catching sight of Bellamy, Miller and a few others dragging an unconscious Grounder up the ladder.

"Bellamy, what the hell are you doing?" Octavia demanded.

"Getting some answers." Her brother replied bluntly.

"Oh, you mean revenge?" Octavia shot back.

"I mean intel. Get him up to the third level." He said before turning to his friends. 

"Bellamy, he saved me from the Grounder camp. He helped me escape." I protested. "If you're gonna kill one of them, at least not make it the only nice one there is." 

"Bellamy, he was protecting me." Octavia cut in as we followed him up the ladder. 

"This isn't about you." Bellamy fired back as we reached the third level. "I'm doing this for everyone."

"You did that for everyone?" I asked, gesturing to the beat up Grounder who was being tied up by Miller and Sterling. 

"No. I did that for Finn and Diggs, John, Roma and even you. Look at what they did to you." Bellamy stated angrily.

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