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"returning the favor." 

The next day was spent cleaning up after the hurricane. Not for me. Doctor Clarke had me on strict rest. She said for two days at least, nothing physically straining, which basically means I can't even walk. It sucks. 

After I left, the little possessions I owned which were my pack, my jacket and my canteen, had been taken by anyone who could get their hands on them. I wasn't mad, I would have done the same. But right now, Jasper and Monty were on the hunt to get it all back. I've been wearing Murphy's jacket since I left the Grounder camp and Jasper, not liking that, was determined to find my jacket so that I wouldn't have to wear Murphy's. 

I was bored out of my mind. I had already gotten Octavia to tell me absolutely everything about the Grounder, so that source of entertainment was gone. It was good while it lasted. I missed gossiping with Octavia about guys. She tried to get me to talk to her about Murphy, but I insisted there was nothing to talk about, which was true. 

"Knock, knock." Jasper's voice cheered, entering my tent, which Octavia was kind enough to share. 

I groaned at Jasper's cheery attitude. 

"Someone's cranky." He muttered, trying not to laugh as Monty walked in behind him. 

"I'm bored." I whined. 

"Good news and bad news. Good news is, there's your jacket and there's your canteen." Monty threw my burgundy, patched up, dirty bomber jacket and homemade canteen at me. "Bad news, a kid that got locked up for three accounts of second degree murder has your pack and I don't feel like dying today." 

"Thanks, Monty." I said with a small smile, happy to have my stuff back. "This sucks." I deadpanned.

"Well, you shouldn't have got your ass beat by Grounders and we wouldn't have this problem." Jasper smiled sarcastically.

"Like I can control that, yeah. I'll ask the Grounders to be more gentle next time they're torturing me." I shot back sarcastically. "I'm fine, anyways. You know what? Screw Clarke, I'm gonna help you work today. You're on ration duty, right?" 

"Lee, you can't even walk. How are you gonna stand at a table for hours, crushing up nuts and berries with one hand?" Jasper deadpanned.

"I'm fine." I insisted, sitting up. It hurt like hell, but I tried not to show it. "Here. Help me up." I extended my free hand that wasn't in a sling, which Monty took and pulled me to my feet. My knees felt wobbly, my everything was bruised and sore as I managed to take three steps toward Jasper. I would have fallen straight on my ass if Monty hadn't caught me. 

"Yeah, no. You're staying in bed." Monty decided. 


"But nothing. Rest up, little sister." Jasper quipped before they both left the tent. 

"Assholes!" I called out to them.

"Love you too!" Jasper shouted back from outside the tent. 

I sat in the tent, bored as ever for what felt like an eternity before Jasper burst in again. 

"Earth is weird, Lee. Earth. We're on Earth, right?" He muttered like a madman.

"You're stoned, aren't you?" I deadpanned. When he got stoned on the Ark, he didn't usually act like this, so whatever he used must have been really strong. "C'mere." I sighed, sitting up with a small groan. Jasper looked hesitant and extra jittery. "Come here." I repeated.

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