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"you look like shit." 

"What? What do you mean there's no cure?" My surprise caused a sudden burst of energy to make me sit up. I immediately regretted it, a wave of lightheadedness overtaking me. 

"Lay down." Murphy carefully pushed me back down on the hammock. 

"Where's Clarke? She said they need to keep drinking water." I said weakly, referring to the sounds of dry coughs coming from all around the drop ship. 

"You need to keep drinking water." Octavia replied, holding a small metal cup to my lips. I swallowed the cool liquid, letting it soothe my dry throat. It felt nice for a second, but the relief went away quickly. 

I've never felt so shitty in my life. My everything ached, blood was coming out of my nose, eyes and mouth and to make matters worse, I felt absolutely helpless. I never got sick on the Ark, ever. Except for the time Monty, Jasper and I all had the Chicken Pox together when we were 10, I have never gotten sick. I just felt so useless.

"Get some rest, O. We'll be right here when you wake up." Octavia promised. 

I tiredly nodded, shutting my eyes and giving in to the exhaustion.


I woke up to the feeling of not being able to breathe. Like I was drowning. Or what I think drowning would feel like. Even though it wasn't the same, it reminded me of the feeling of rope tightening around my neck.

"Clarke said to roll her on her side!" I could hear Octavia shout as I sputtered out coughs, unable to breathe. I felt two hands roll me over so I was on my side as I felt blood leave my mouth as I coughed. 

"You're okay. You're okay. There you go. Just breathe, alright?" I heard a guy's voice say comfortingly as I coughed up more blood. I felt a hand pat my back lightly, which helped me get the blood up a bit easier.

I felt so gross. I hate being sick.

When I finally got all the blood up, I rolled back over onto my back, out of breath.

"Thank you." I croaked to whoever was there. 

"Don't mention it." Murphy replied. "Here." He handed me a canteen, which I gratefully took and drank some of the contents. "How you feelin'?"

"Like shit." I replied glumly, burying my face in the makeshift pillow under me. 

"If it makes you feel any better, the sickness doesn't last long." Octavia said from across the room as she helped someone else. 

"She's right, I feel fine now." Murphy added.

"Could've fooled me. You look like shit." I chuckled sleepily. He really did. I could only imagine I looked the same when I came back from the Grounder camp. 

"Where's my brother?" I croaked out, delusional and half-asleep.

"Uh..." Murphy stammered. 

"Where's Jasper? I want my brother." I mumbled. "Where's Monty?"

When no one answered, I assumed the worst, instantly fully waking up in panic. 

sunset|| j.murphyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin