TWENTY FOUR: Practice Makes Perfect

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry, I can handle my little brother." Kai chuckled as he swam just a little closer.

"That makes one of us" I mumbled softly.

"What is that meant to mean?" Kai asked with a chuckle.

"You know exactly what I mean!" I rolled my eyes and splashed him slightly.

"The mate bond is an extremely hard thing to ignore." He replied with a knowing look.

"Kayla tried to push me away for months!" Kai chuckled softly, looking at the sky with a longing look.

"Kayla?" I asked softly, knowing what his response was going to be.

"Kayla... my mate." He confirmed looking at me with a sad smile.

"You haven't really said much about her before..." I acknowledge, looking at him with a sad expression.

"Do you want to know more?" He asked, a small smile reaching his face.

"If you want to tell me more, I'd love to hear it!" I splashed excitedly, swimming a little closer.

"Well where should I start?" He asked with a small chuckle.

"How did you guys meet? Or how did you find out you were mates? Was it love at first site? Did you guys get married? What colour was her hair? How old was she?" I was rambling out questions without even realising I wasn't breathing.

"Ok ok, calm down" he shook my shoulders a little with a small chuckle, "I didn't realise you had so many questions!" He laughed at my eager reaction.

"I'm sorry, I just really want to hear all about the girl that stole the heart of Kai Storm." I smiled at him in a friendly and loving manner.

"Well she actually looked a lot like you..." he admitted with a sigh.

"Oh, really?" I was shocked, I had pictured this beautiful and elegant blonde, someone like Catherine for some reason.

"Yeah, she had these gorgeous green eyes that just took your breath away and lovely long dark hair that cascaded down her back. She held herself with so much grace and beauty and class. She was just way to good for little old me." He smiled as he thought back to his true love.

"We met when we were kids, her parents were part of our hunters group and were quite close with my parents. I may or may not use to play a lot of practical jokes on her because well I guess I just wanted to get her attention. I liked her before I even knew we were mates but boy did she hate me." He laughed deeply as he rolled his head back in the water.

"When I went away to the Alpha academy, I remember she refused to hug me goodbye because she thought I'd play a joke on her." He added with another laugh.

"Were you going to?" I asked amused, knowing what he was going to say.

"Of coarse I was" he replied with an amused chuckle.

"But that is beside the point... anyway, when I came back from the Academy, she was visiting her sister at another pack but I could smell her scent everywhere and I was losing my mind. I didnt know who the scent belonged to and I started to get a little savage when it started to fade but then she came home and I just lost it. I ran up to her and tackled her into a huge kiss." I smiled at the thought of Kai being so infatuated that he couldn't control himself. "But soon after the kiss began, it ended with a huge slap across my face." I burst out laughing at Kai's little pouty face.

The next couple of paragraphs may be triggering to some people so please skip to the *** to continue reading!
You will be missing most of the back story to Kai's past with his mate but its basically... Kai's partner passed away after them being together and married for 4 years.

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