ELEVEN: No Longer Exist

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"Kai, this is ridiculous" I whined as I scanned over the small rabbit in a cage.

"You have never hunted Soph, you need to start small" he said as he lent down to open the cage and ushered out the poor creature. 

"This is what you train the pups on" I rolled my eyes  "I am 23 Kai" I added with an eye roll.

"Then this will be easy for you" his smirk grew as he knelt down to the rabbits level and let out a loud growl.

Within the blink of an eye, the ball of fluff had taken off into the thick forest.

"What the hell Kai, how am I meant to catch it now?!" I fussed, as I took off my jumper and jeans.

Kai didn't reply, he just shifted, tearing his clothes in the process.

He locked eyes with me and then put his snout to the ground, taking in the scent of the rabbit. He then looked back up to me and ushered for me to follow.

I took in a large breath, trying to focus on blocking out the pain that came with shifting.

I was so envious of how strong Kai was. He never felt a single hint of pain when he shifted, no one from this pack did.

Shaking out my fur, I trotted over to Kai as he started to make his way into the forestry.

I tried to mimic every move he made as he began to sprint through the thick trees. I made sure to dodge every trunk, bush and rock, just as Kai did.

I stopped quickly, locking eyes with Kai as he turned to face me.

"Now, go hunt" Kai's voice rung in my head and I slowly and hesitantly put my nose in the air.

I walked a small way from Kai as I sniffed, trying to pick up the scent of the rabbit.

I shook my head and let out low growls as I failed to pick up any scent.

I sunk my paws into the dirt with every stride as my frustration grew. I scanned my surroundings and took in the beauty around me.

There was an uncountable amount of moss covered trees, vibrant bushes that were littered with berries grew all around. The dirt was fluffy and full of moisture.

It was all so beautiful.

The beauty captivated me and caused me to lose my train of thought.

I pushed my belly into the dirt and began rolling around, trying to push the fluffy texture through my fur.

I looked up to the sky, slight and small rays of light shone through the gaps in the leaves.

I had never felt so at home than when I was in wolf form... and in this pack.

It was strange to think that a place I wasn't born or raised in, a place where I hardly had any friends, a place where I wasn't welcomed by everyone, made me feel more at home than my own home did.

I must have lost track of time because my sweet and beautiful silence was interrupted by a bloody and limp rabbit being dropped next to my head.

I looked up into the eyes of Kai in wolf form as he peered down at me.

I was still on my back, paws curled up under my chin as Kai stood over me, his head above mine, his eyes peering at me with an amused and playful expression.

'What happened to the task I gave you?' Kai asked through the link, cocking his head to the side.

'I may or may not have gotten a little distracted' I replied as I mimicked his head motion.

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