SEVENTEEN: Family Reunion

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"Someone needs to say something" Abi broke the tense silence that had been drowning us for the past 17 minutes.

Caleb snarled at Eric as Eric rolled his eyes at Caleb.

Kai was currently stuffing his face with a huge stack of Aunties pancakes.

Auntie was quietly cooking up more delicious fluffy pancakes.

Me... well I was just leaning against the doorway trying to distract myself from the constant vibrating of Caleb's phone.

Ruby's name was constantly lighting up his screen and it made my eye twitch.

"So explain to me again why I should not rip your throat out?" Caleb growled lowly at Eric, causing us all to roll our eyes.

I giggled slightly as both Abi and Kai silently mimicked the words Eric spoke.

"Because Sophia would hate you"

Caleb's head snapped in my direction and my smile soon dropped.

I didn't want him to think he was the reason for my laughter, I still hadn't forgiven him.

He looked down at the floor for a second and then turned his attention back to Eric.

"So... Ruby and I were only connected because of a potion?" He asked with anger evident in his voice.

Eric nodded slowly.

"A potion that you helped her create?" Caleb's anger was growing again as he looked at Eric with bloodthirsty eyes.

"It is one of... no, it is the biggest regret I hold to this day" Eric looked down at his hands. His eye brows knitted together and his knuckles white.

"You wasted years of my life! You took away any chance of happiness I had! You deflowered my mate! You broke my mate bond!" Caleb grew to his feet and savagely pushed everything that was in the table in front of him to the floor.

Glass shattered, liquid flooded and metal clanged against the floor.

"Shut up!" I growled, causing all eyes to look at me.

"This is not all Eric's fault! There are many factors that have contributed to the dilemma you find yourself in!" My voice was firm as I bent down to start cleaning up the mess he had created in the floor.

"Yes, Eric had a part in all of this and definitely isn't a saint but like you said at the lake, Ruby is the mastermind behind all of this." I looked Caleb dead in the eye as I stood rose from the ground and placed forks and knifes back into the table.

"Ruby knew about the feud between your family and Eric's, she manipulated Eric into helping her and she is the one that has been lying to you every single day since then!" I knelt back down and picked up some more of the mess.

I wasn't going to address the deflowering comment, I would let it fester for a little while longer.

"And you... You are the reason your real mate bond is so fragile... You are the reason your real mate bond is breaking!" I was screaming by the end of it as I slammed my hands against the table.

Gasps and worried "Sophia" filled the room as I stared deeply into Caleb's eyes with anger.

"You need to stop laying blame and start taking responsibility!" He looked shocked as I pulled my hands away from the table and inspected the damage I inflicted.

Glass shards stuck into my palms and blood had begun to drip into the white tiles under my feet.

"Sophia!" Caleb gasped as he tried to reach from my hands, "don't!" I snapped back as I pulled my hands to my chest and swiftly left the room.

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