NINETEEN: I'll Tell You Everything

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It felt like everything was happening in slow motion.

I was currently sitting on the floor, my back against the wall and my legs bent up so I could rest my arms and head on my knees.

I scanned the room slowly.

Ruby has been crying, screaming and trying to get to Caleb for the entire 57 minutes she has been here.

I had to move away from the group and take a breather because my wolf was on the edge of taking control.

I was breathing heavily as my brother stood close by, making sure I was ok.

Both of my parents had stayed, they were currently sitting with both of Caleb's parents, quietly discussing something between the four of them.

Eric was standing with my brother, just casually trying to get to know him.

Kai was holding Ruby away from Caleb at the entrance of the living area as she tried to force her way into Caleb's arms.

And Caleb... Caleb had his back turned to the shrieking attention-seeking liar as he stared deeply into my eyes.

He was just watching me. Making sure I was in control.

We all knew that I had no chance to beat Ruby in a battle.

She was so much stronger in wolf and human form than I was and everyone was trying to keep us apart so that I didn't end up ripped apart.

I also think that it's ridiculous to think that I, Caleb's true mate, had to battle for his affection with a woman who poisoned, manipulated and lied to him.

Every once in a while he would try to get me to calm my breathing down.

He would take large and slow breaths in through his nose and then blow it out slowly through his mouth.

I couldn't understand how he was keeping so calm.

Poor Kai drew the short straw.

He was currently trying to hold back the furious and desperate she-wolf as she scratched, spat and bit at him.

"Ok, that's quite enough!" Brad roared from the side of the room.

Ruby obeyed the voice of her Alpha and halted her actions.

She didn't take her eyes off of Caleb and I knew she was growing even more upset as he ignored her.

"Ruby, if you want to explain yourself, you are going to have to control your actions and be mature and respectful. There will be no more aggressive, desperate or savage behaviour from you. You are an adult!" Catherine placed a hand on her husband's arm as his rage grew.

"Brad I swear it's not what" Ruby was cut off by her Alpha.

"It's Alpha Storm to you!" He snapped, sending an angry glare her way.

You could literally see her cower away from Bradley's gaze.

"Now I'm only going to say this once, we are all here to make sure that my son and his true mate," Bradley gestured to Caleb and then to me "are safe and get the answers they deserve. If you are going to be a cowardly pup about all of this then I'll have you beheaded right now!" He finished with a furious look in his eye.

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