TEN: "I need you but I do not want you"

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I took in a breath as I surfaced from the cool water.

Rain droplets fell upon my already wet form.

I finally felt at peace.

I watched as steam rose from my hot skin. The heat that I had built up from a run through the forest, evaporating.

I had gotten so used to being alone that I simply relaxed in the rain, bare of any clothes.

I raked my hands through my long dark hair as  droplets decorated my skin.

I thought about what had been happening the past couple of weeks that I'd been staying at the Storm Pack.

I didn't really get to interact with anyone but Kai, and I only got to see him when I was allowed to actually be in the pack grounds.

We had become very close friends but I couldn't help and feel lonely.

It had been just over two weeks since I last saw Caleb, and boy was it effecting me.

I had begun to become sick again. The same symptoms I felt the first time Caleb and I were separated, began to eat away at me.

I was losing my appetite, becoming angry, sweating profusely even though I felt cold, constantly exhausted but unable to sleep and lacking in any kind of strength.

Alpha Brad had let me know that Caleb had also began to show signs of becoming savage again. To say he was stressed was an understatement.

I made my way back to my room as I remembered the last conversation I had with him.

"We were thinking that if the two of you just spent a few moments together each day, well it might prevent you both turning savage" The Alpha and Luna were practically begging me with there eyes to cooperate.

"I'll do whatever I have to do to help"

So it was organised that Caleb and I would spend at least just a few minutes together every day.

Some days he would come to see me, others I would go to see him.

I tried to push down my nerves and excitement as I thought about seeing Caleb again.

He made me feel things I only ever thought I'd feel for my mate... things I can't control.

I hated that I was so effected by a mated wolf but he was just so, dreamy.

His stormy grey eyes flashed to my mind as I began to dress myself in a fresh set of underwear.

His eyes made me melt. They were pools of silver that I wanted to stare into all day long. His dark hair was always perfectly messy and strands would tickle against his eyebrows, making you stare at a single scar running through the defined arch of hair on the left one. His perfectly defined nose was decorated with rare and faint freckles.

His lips, oh my his lips.

I had to squeeze my thighs together as I pictured his lips.

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