TWENTY THREE: The Death of Me

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Bri was currently pacing the room in an agitated state.

I had just finished explaining to her everything that had happened while I had been living with this pack. I told her about what I had found out from Eric and Caleb about this whole mate triangle that I'm stuck in. I told her about how close Kai and I have gotten and how he has been teaching me to hunt and connect to my wolf. I told her about everything Caleb had said to me and everything that he has done since finding out.

"I just can't... wow... I don't know what to think... I don't understand!" She was a blubbering mess.

"Basically, Kai and I are really close, I've been connecting to my wolf a lot more, Eric is a great friend of mine, I ran away because I didn't want anyone to die, the Alpha and Luna are amazingly caring, Ruby has been poisoning Caleb into loving her, you had a baby and Caleb finally realised we are true mates and has been trying to apologise to me ever since... ok? All caught up, good!" I rambled out a quick explanation to sum up everything we had been discussing for the last few hours.

It was great to finally have some sister time!

"I can't believe what you've been going through here!" She replied in disbelief.

"I mean, we all knew that it wasn't going fantastic because the storm family was keeping us in the loop but damn... you've been through some sh*t!" She shook her head slightly as she took a seat next to me on the couch.

"At least you get to be in wolf form" she said positively while judging me side "well... what's it like? I feel like it's been years since I had a good run!" She leant back, reminiscing on the times she used to break the rules with me.

"It's been amazing... goddess our pack has been so wrong, I've only grown stronger by letting my wolf out!" I explained with a small smile.

We sat there chatting about the Storm packs primal ways for a little while until Billy needed tending to and the view distracted me.

I looked down to see my family happily splashing around in the lakes water, all laughing and smiling. It was amazing to see them all so happy. They just seemed so relaxed and serine.

I had brought Bri up to the attic. It was a small, comfortable room that held a small couch, a chair, small table, a rug and some cushions.  Laid out near the big round window looking over the lake.

I loved the view of the lake and forrest from here.

Absolutely beautiful.

Speaking of... I was looking off towards the pack house and both of the storm brothers emerged from the forest, heading our way.

I sighed knowing that I wouldn't be able to hide up here for very long.

I watched the boys walk up and start talking to my parents.

Kai was showing off his perfectly white teeth as she laughed and smiled at my mother and father.

Caleb was talking to Wyatt but it was clear that he was looking for someone as he searched the surrounding area.

Wyatt obviously needed to take advantage of Caleb distracted state because he took a hold of his arm and pulled him straight into the lake.

"Oh my goddess!" I shrieked as I sprinted down to save my brother form Caleb's wrath.

"Caleb I'm so sor... ry"


Caleb was actually laughing...

Everyone was laughing...

"Ok ok, you got me!" Caleb chuckled as Wyatt splashed water at him.

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