TWENTY: Never Be Enough

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There were so many questions being thrown around, some we already knew the answer to because of Eric and some things we had no idea about.

She explained her family tree and how they thought her parents were kept prisoners here, which Bradley grew furious about.

"So you're not only the reason for all of this misery but your also the reason behind our rivalry with the Ryder pack?!"

"I'm sorry, I was so young back then and I didn't realise what my actions would lead to... I just wanted to find my parents and your pack was the only pack that they wanted to destroy... I just, I was very scared and I jumped to conclusions." She genuinely seemed heartbroken over it all.

"So what exactly is the concoction you gave my son and how often would you give it to him?" Catherine asked as she rubbed Caleb's shoulders lovingly.

"Well... he would have it maybe once a month and it was a tea kind of brew" she began as she winced, almost knowing Caleb's reaction.

"You told me those teas would help us make a pup!" He roared, shaking in anger.

I felt a rush of disgust and anger as Caleb spoke about reproducing with Ruby.

"What was in them?!" Kai asked with an annoyed tone.

He was furious at the fact that he was blind to what Ruby was doing to his younger brother.

"Well, I believe the natural ingredients used were mead, fennel, liquorice and some rare satyrion powder... I'm not sure... I'm not really sure what the witch would do to it all to make it so strong but she promised that it would not affect you in any way if you stopped taking it." She fiddled with her fingers as she looked down at the ground, ashamed.

"Caleb, I'm so sorry... I love you so much and I just" she was cut off by a loud growl.

"Don't you dare say you love me. I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth ever again." He roared, shaking with anger "if you truly ever loved me, you would never have done what you did! You would have never broken such a pure and beautiful bond! You would of wanted me to naturally find my mate and be happy but instead... you broke that. I will never get the opportunity to fix what you broke." He glanced over at me for a brief moment as he looked at me with sad eyes.

"I will never be able to show her who I truly am, I will never be able to give her the love and care she deserves... she will never look at me or care for me the way I need her too... I made so many mistakes that fill me with so much anger and regret all because of the choices you decided to make!" He was shaking with anger and sadness by the end of it and Kai grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him to the other side of the room to sit down and cool off.

I thought about his words as he sat there with his head in his hands.

He felt regret over his actions...

I watched him silently as our parents discussed what would happen to Ruby.

He looked up at his brother with tears in his eyes as they whispered to each other. His brows were scrunched together with sadness and he looked pained as he frustratedly discussed his feelings.

Kai grabbed the sides of his little brother's face and harshly whispered something to him which resulted in both of them glancing over at me.

I stared into Caleb's eyes as a single tear rolled down his cheek and I had to force myself not to whimper at the mere sight of it.

"I'm sorry" he mouthed silently but before I could react or reply, he quickly rose from his seat and exited the room.

I appreciated the apology but it was going to take a lot more than a single tear and those words for me to forgive him.

Kai looked at me with sad eyes as he followed after his brother.

"Soph, is there anything you need to ask her?" Wyatt broke the silence as he sat on the arm of my chair.

He stared coldly at Ruby as he crossed his arms over his chest in disapproval.

I nodded slowly "do you guys mind giving us a second alone?" I asked softly, looking at them all with a reassuring smile.

"I don't think that's very wise" Brad stood slowly as he shook his head, looking from his wife to my parents and back to me with worry.

"Please Alpha, I would really appreciate it," I asked with a calm tone.

He looked at me and then to Ruby and back to me. Catherine placed her hand on her husband's arm and he relaxed at her touch.

"We will be right outside the door" he warned as he looked over at me and then to Ruby.

With the soft sound of the door closing behind everyone, I was left alone with the woman I despised the most.

I stared at her with a blank look as she wiped at her face and tried to clean herself up a little bit.

"Well look at you, little miss bravery now aren't we?" Her tone had changed to a more sinister tone.

I continued to blankly stare at her as she squinted her eyes at me and looked me up and down.

"Do you honestly think that he will choose you, over me?!" She snapped with a harsh laugh "look at you and look at me, there's not a chance he is going to pick you over me!" It was clear to see that she was getting frustrated as she rose to her feet and her face grew red.

"Say something you bit*h!" She stomped her way over to me and grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me to my feet.

Her nostril flared and she. Shook with anger as I stared at her with no emotion.

I found my footing and reached up to take a hold of her hands.

"Firstly, don't you dare touch me" I ripped her hands off of my shirt and started to push against her hold, "secondly, don't you dare speak on Calebs behalf anymore" I could feel my own anger growing as I began to push Ruby backwards, "and lastly, he will never love you!" I was breathing heavily as I starred daggers into her eyes. She was backed up against a wall, my arm was squashing her throat and we were both radiating anger.

I don't know why I felt like I had to say that to her but I couldn't control it. I didn't want her to think that she stood a chance with Caleb, I didn't want her to have hope and I want her gone... I knew that my words would never be enough though.

A/N: HEY GUYS! I'm so sorry its been so long, truly I am! I wanted to keep you guys updated but I have recently been through something beautiful and scary that I really needed time to focus on my life for a little bit.

GUYS , I HAD A BABY! I am now the proud mother of a beautiful baby boy named Lucas! I feel horrible for leaving you all hanging but I hope I can make it up to you all in the near future.

I hope everyone is staying safe with everything that is going on in the world! Love always, B xxxx

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