Labing Apat

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(a/n Italize words were just lyrics of a song)

Suspended in the air
I hear myself breathing
Hanging by a thread
My heart is barely beating

The day went passed easily and the two haven't talked about it yet.

Jeno went home with Jaemin but both of them were silent on their way and while having dinner together.

They were not avoiding each other tho. Just no talking.

Even on the bed where both of them were lying together. Both of them were on lying side by side but not facing each other.

They can't sleep. They were wide awake, they wanted both to talk to the other but afraid that whatever they will say will hurt the other.

I haven't fallen yet
But I feel it comin'
Tell me would it be too much to ask
If you break it to me gently

Both of them moved on their position and face the other side and they didn't know they made the same move at the same time so they were now facing each other and looking in each other's eyes.

They were just staring at each other trying to hold the thoughts in their heads but they both can't take it anymore. They were both hurting and they know they should both say something now.


They both said in unison but then stop abruptly.

And I'm waking the next day
WIthout you beside me
And you hold on to the day
Tomorrow will just be a memory

Jaemin looked away as he suddenly felt the awkwardness but Jeno didn't remove the look on Jaemin's face.

"Jaemin I don't think I can just let you go like that"

"But, if your decision is final and you will be really leaving in a week. Can you please let me be with you the whole time before you leave. I just wanted to make the most out of it even though I know it will be the last"

Jaemin's heart ached when he heard Jeno's request. He himself finds all of these hard but he knows he needed to do it. Not just for Renjun, for Shotaro but also for Jeno and himself.

He needed to fix it even though the price is giving up his happiness.

He tried to prevent his tears from falling. He doesn't want Jeno to see how much he is hurt for this.

That I would look back at all of this
And wonder why I stayed in here
Just to watch you disappear

"I don't know Jeno. Isn't it harder for you? For us?" He asked still avoiding Jeno's gaze coz he knows the moment he'll land his eyes on him again this time his heart will give in.

"Jaem please I'm asking this to you for the last time" Jeno pleaded, his voice is full of desperation.

"Please" he repeated

So I breathe and let you go
How do I breathe and let you go?

Jaemin closed his eyes and breathe deeply he then took all the courage to looked at Jeno.

But what he saw breaks his heart more. A tear flowed from Jeno's eyes and the look of desperation he had made Jaemin soft.

He then lifts his hand and wiped the tears on Jeno's face with his thumb

"I'm sorry" he said as he too began tearing

Before it's too late
I'll take a step away
I know one word would make me go
Rushing back to you

"It's not easy for me too Jen, just remember that I always love you and I will never stop loving you but I need to do this "

Jeno then also wiped the tears from the younger's face copying what the younger did.

"I understand Jaem and this is only what I'm asking for to fully understand you and to make it easier for me to let go"

They again stared at the eyes of each other even though their vision is a bit blurry because of the tears.

So I'll just shut my eyes
Forget that you were mine
How do you go from making one your home
And then just letting it all go

Jaemin then nodded, accepting Jeno's request. He wanted it too. He also wanted to be with Jeno for the last time. And he wanted to make great memories with him for their last week together.

Jeno then cupped Jaemin's face as they slowly leaned in closer.

They both stopped when their forehead touched. They both closed their eyes as tears still flowing from their eyes.

Let me take it in
Before it sinks in

Jeno then finally closed the gap between them and kissed Jaemin on his lips smoothly. Their lips just pressing into each other. Jaemin sobbed as he felt the pain more.

He wanted to feel these lips on his forever in his but he knows he will just have a week left.

Jeno then moved and started sucking the bottom lip gently of Jaemin and the younger responded to it.

The kiss is as sweet as it is but is full of hidden pain in their hearts.

I'll be on my knees
Is the future you promised
Know what I never even had
I have every reason to miss

"I love you Jaemin"

"I love you too Jeno"

And I down away
I can't find the strength to let you go
When the only love I've come to know
Have this past and left me alone

Hearing I love you from each other make their heart feel happiness before but now why is it so painful?



To be honest, I still don't know what will the ending be but I'll post 2 chapters next update and I'll let you choose what will chapter will I continue and that will determine what ending will I write.

And here's another poll for you. Please vote! Please help me!











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