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Jaemin rushed inside the hospital and looks for Jeno's room.

Donghuck and Sungchan had to wait outside as minors were not allowed inside.

Jaemin keeps mumbling and hopes that Jeno's okay although he already knew he isn't.

His heart keeps pounding in his chest loudly as he runs to the corridor of the hospital and his eyes searched for the room number where Jeno's in.

Room 23. Jaemin finally saw it and entered.

But all the fear, nervousness and all the unexplainable feelings he had stopped when he saw the guy who's seating beside Jeno's bed and looked in his direction when he entered.

Of course, Renjun would be there. Why hadn't he thought of it a while ago?

"I-I'm sorry I just wanted to check.I-I'll leave now" Said Jaemin as he turned his back and was ready to leave when suddenly Renjun called him

"Jaemin it's okay come in"

Jaemin then slowly turned around and slowly entered inside and looked at Jeno. 

Renjun stood from his seat and walked meeting Jaemin through the way.

"You can stay here. I'll just wait outside" Renjun said and leaves the room.

Jaemin walked closer to Jeno and stared at him from head to toe scanning his current state and luckily he was not that severely bruised different from what happened years ago.

But all of that flashbacked in Jaemin's mind. Before when he first saw Jeno, he was just out of the operating room and his appearance was so scary. He was covered with bandages all over his body and was barely recognized. He was put in a coma in months and when he woke up he can't recognize him and that time Jaemin was so hurt and even though he did everything just so Jeno can remember him again but nothing changes Jeno still can't. So what he did is he told everyone to never tell Jeno what kind of relationship they had. Anyhow badly he wanted to hug him and kiss him but he can't, he sacrificed his feelings just so he won't force Jeno to remember things he can't.

He sat on the chair and intertwined his hands with Jeno's and put it in his cheeks and kissed the back of his palms as a tear escaped from his eyes. 

This time, despite the fact that they both had agreed to put an end to their relationship last night. Jaemin just can't let Jeno forget everything about him again.

Jaemin runs his hands through Jeno's hair carefully afraid to hurt him.

"Wake up Jeno-yah I love you so much I'm sorry for almost leaving you. Just wake up baby"

He then kissed Jeno's forehead.

Jaemin turns around when he heard the door opens and saw Donghyuck entered the room.

"Hyuck? Where's Sungchan?" Jaemin asked immediately

"He's with Renjun right now. I wanted to see Jeno too so I asked him to look for our son for a while"

Jaemin nodded.

"Don't worry Jaem the doctor said his vitals were stable and he'll be waking up in just a few more hours"

"Really? Thank God!" Jaemin said and sighing out of relief

"Yes. He's lucky this time and seriously he should stop driving and just hire a driver he keeps getting into accidents"

"Yeah I think so too"

They keep quiet for a while

"Jaem there's also one thing I need to tell you"

"What is it?"

"You should talk to Renjun"

Jaemin looks at Donghyuck

"He wanted to talk to you Jaem, about Jeno" said Donghyuck and glanced at Jeno

"Hyuck I don't think this is the time for that not now that Jeno is in this state"

"Jaemin, you need to talk to him. I'm sure Renjun won't do or say anything stupid. You two really should talk just so before Jeno wakes up. You need to clear things between you two."

"But I don't think I'm ready to talk to him again Hyuck"

"Just try Jaemin, you won't lose anything you just need to talk to him kay?"

Jaemin nodded.

Well yeah, maybe it's time for him to talk with Renjun again. And this time, to clear things up between them and make their own decisions.

NOT YOURS // NoMin/NoRen/NaHyuckWhere stories live. Discover now