47. At Least You Admit I am Cute

Start from the beginning

After he was done speaking, River didn't say anything for a few minutes. She just lay there staring at him and then suddenly she sat up on the bed. Mateo tried to follow suit only to fall back with a grunt while River looked at him disapprovingly, pulling down the duvet and lifting up his t-shirt.

"What?" His eyes followed her actions.

"Just seeing if what you did broke the stitches." She glared at him and put pressure along the sides of the wound.

"I am fine." Mateo groaned. "Tell me how you feel about all of this."

"Well.." She rubbed the back of her neck. "I feel very uncomfortable leaving the kids alone right now."

"Adam's with them. Don't worry." Her face softened when she heard that and she blew out a breath.

"River, I am sorry." Mateo said sincerely.

River gave him a flat look. "If you say 'thank you' or 'sorry' one more time, I am going to..."

"Going to what?" Mateo raised a brow, a smirk on his lips.

"Uh... Dislocate your shoulder and pop it back in, without anesthesia." She said, smiling smugly as she was very satisfied with her answer.

Mateo shook his head, chuckling. She was so childish, and violent.

"P.S. why are you sorry in the first place?"

"Really? You don't know? For all this."

"How is any of this your fault?" She looked at him like he was crazy. Which he probably was. "You were born into this Mateo. You didn't choose this. Yes, you are in the Mafia, but you are a good guy. And I am so glad you are the kids' dad and not some sleaze ball. "

Mateo felt a smile tug at his lips but then he continued with his stupid talk, "But I heard you talking to Amanda that night and you said that-"

"I assume you didn't hear what she said to make me say that?" She quirked a brow.

He shook his head. How is she so... so.. perfect and level headed?

"What did she say?" He asked.

"Mean stuff."

Why was he not surprised?

"Anyway, leave that. Erase what I said from your mind because I absolutely did not mean it." River held her hands up in surrender. "I just wanted her off my back and the best way to do that is aggressively showing the disdain and contempt. And trust me when I say I do not think like that about you or Alessia or Adam. I adore you guys. I just don't like that woman. We talked less than half an hour and I know she is someone I want far far away from my kids."

He nodded. She was right. There was no place for negativity in their children's lives.

"And.." She flicked his forehead.

"Ouch.. what was that for?" Mateo asked, rubbing his temple.

"You left because of what you heard right?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

He nodded, pursing his lips. Guilty.

How the hell this woman made a Capo of the Sicilian Mafia feel like a kid who was going to get grounded was beyond anyone.

She blew out a breath before plastering another 'if looks could kill' glare on her face. "So this," She pointed at the dressed wound, "-could have been avoided if you had just communicated earlier?"

Mateo pouted. He couldn't argue on that one either.

"It's almost one in the morning. Get some sleep woman." He patted her pillow, giving her his sweetest smile.

"You know I am immune to cute shit." She rolled her eyes. "I happen to parent the cutest pair of children in the world."

"At least you admit I am cute." He smirked.

"I was never one to disagree with facts." She said as she turned the lights off.

"Night River."

"Night Mateo. And don't think this conversation is over." She replied.

Mateo mock-saluted her yet again but he doubted she saw it in the dark.




Mateo blew breaths in and out as he stared at the ceiling. It was four in the morning and no matter how much he tried, he couldn't go back to sleep.

He snapped his eyes shut again, summoning his exhaustion to take over and suppress the stupid need.

He opened his eyes again, wriggling uncomfortably.

He needed to pee!!

"River.." He called out to her.

"What?" She almost gave him a heart attack as she started awake, already sitting up.

Mateo was stumped and guilt-ridden thinking that it was all the stress and fear that was doing this to her.

She turned on the light and turned to him. Her eyes were wide but it softened when she looked at the expression on his face. "It's not your fault, and it's not because I am scared. Most doctors are like this. It's an occupational hazard in my profession."

He nodded. River was not one to lie about how she felt. She was always clear about and she always handled everything. She was not afraid to show her fear or sadness because she was way too strong. So of course, he believed her when she said that.

"You okay?" She asked, rubbing her palms to her face. "Your analgesic should be working for another three hours." She said, checking the time.

"I need to use the bathroom." Mateo said, biting his lip. "But my right leg is numb. I can't move."

He knew it was nothing to be embarrassed about but he felt pathetic and even more so since he had to get help from her who had no obligation to.

She just nodded and got off the bed and walked over to his side, lifting his leg up and shaking it to relieve the numbness and then helping him to his feet. She handed him the crutch and walked with him, opening the bathroom door for him.

"I can do the rest myself." Mateo stopped her when she was about to enter the bathroom.

She turned to him and gave him a look. "I know. I was just going to put the seat up because you would have to bend down for that."

Mateo nodded as she walked in. Right, he had to put the seat up every time now that he was sharing a bathroom with a woman.





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