Where the Fire Ends

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Please, forgive me. - Ruble Greyblood

  The group gathered supplies from the base, and made their way towards Washington DC, once more.


Felicity Purple stared at the gray gravestone, her face blank of any emotion. The name on it read: Ruble Greyblood. Another gravestone was next to it, marked as Richard Greyblood. There was an open space next to it, clean and clear for the next grave and body. In the morning, she knew a gravedigger would come dig it out, and Tanner Greyblood, the last of the Greybloods, would join his lost family.

How pathetic, Felicity thought to herself as she looked up at the darkening sky above her. After so much time, so many years, fate, she felt, had finally caught up to her. And when it did, she ran from it. How pathetic.

However, she couldn't run anymore. She couldn't hide anymore. She couldn't put her past on the shoulders of innocent people anymore and let them die over it. Ruble, Richard, and Tanner, all their blood was on her hands. When she witnessed Dr. Francisco murder Ruble, her heart became stained with her death. When she found Richard's body, slashed and burned, the stain deepened. Now, having found Tanner's body, that stain in her has gone beyond revenge and sorrow.

That stain, that sick poisoning stain, is now making her realize, for the first time, that it's time to accept what's to come. Maybe there's a reason Mrs. Purple is and has always been recognized for being so cold and heartless. For appearing so empty and uncaring. For always being seen as a mean and cruel person. That stain has made Mrs. Purple's heart stone.

However, it was to protect her from the pain that her past created. The day she lost her husband and sent the government after him, the pain of losing him was unbearable. After having his child, Felicity realized she had to get rid of her. She thought she was protecting her child, giving her a better life with the Greyblood's, but now, after years of denial, she realized she was really doing it to protect herself. She wanted no reminders of Dr. Francisco and wanted to keep the unbearable pain of loss away, so she gave the last she had of him away. By giving Tina away, she gave the last of her past away and all the pain that came from it.

However, now, the past has resurfaced. The pain's back. But this time, that pain is numb. It has no effect on her. The only thing that pain is doing is driving her forward. That pain, that horrible heart-shattering pain, will force her forward and make her confront Dr. Francisco. No more running. No more switching sides.

Looking back at the graves, her eyes stony, she whispered, "I made a promise. To protect those two children until death comes for me. I couldn't save one, but the other one remains. Death has come and my fate has been sealed. My life has no meaning anymore but to save my flesh and blood and burn the one that's stained me."

Turning away, she began walking for the exit of the graveyard. Too lost in her rage and sorrow, she never heard the footsteps behind her. It wasn't until a dark shadow fell behind her that she turned back around.

"Hello, darling. Miss me?" a voice, scathing and raw, said. Felicity's eyes widened in horror and surprise, but then a swift hit to the stomach crumpled her instantly.

"God, I've missed you too." she wheezed out, pain cracking down her body.

"Really?! You don't sound like it, my love."

"No shit, Sherlo-," a sudden hit to the side of the head sent her to the floor, cold, still, and unmoving.

Dr. Francisco dropped his shovel, frowning. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You know, I've never liked you cussing."

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