The Truth Kills

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All I ever wanted was to be safe from the truth. However, now the truth has a gun and I fear someone's going to die because of it. - Tanner Greyblood


Mason Meiyo stared up at the tall black building. He couldn't see how high up it went, the chilly fog of the city blocking his view. Very little light came from the building, giving it a dark and desolate look.

Looking down, his neck cracking slightly, Mason turned to face the front entrance of the building. Sighing, he checked his watch, and found he had 15 minutes before 5:00.

He made his way up to the entrance, and grabbing the golden door handles, and pulled it open. Once in, he took a moment to survey his surroundings.

The building lobby was unexpectedly grand and elegantly designed. With hard white and black marble flooring, black slick walls, and floor to ceiling glass windows, it looked modern and luxurious. It made Meiyo feel like he had entered into a 5 star hotel that only the extremely rich could afford to stay in. He spotted a black counter, the reception desk, and quickly approached it.

"Good evening, sir." A kind faced lady greeted him. "What may I do for you today?"

"I'd like to meet with Mr. Greyblood. Tanner Greyblood, to be more direct."

The lady gave him a startled look. "Mr. G-Greyblood?"

"Yes, ma'am. Is he here?"

The lady took a moment before responding. "You'll find him on the top floor. However, I wouldn't be too surprised if he refused to see you. He hasn't seen anyone for the past couple weeks."

"Why's that?"

The lady shrugged. "No one knows. The elevators are right behind you, sir."

"Thank you."

Mason turned away, nodding. He walked over to the elevators, his back facing the reception desk. The lady, Mrs. Black, watched as the elevator closed behind him, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

The elevator reached the top floor, which was labeled floor Z. Stepping out, Mason was met with a wide dim hallway with grey carpeted flooring and white marble walls. Walking forward, he scanned the area, surprised at how bare and silent it was.

The hallway led in only one direction, which was forward. No other doors or walkways were present, forcing him to continue deeper and deeper down the hallway. The further he walked, the dimmer it became.

Mason continued walking, his senses going on full alert. He felt he had entered an area he wasn't supposed to. As he walked, the more unsettled and defensive he became. He wanted to reach for his gun, but he was afraid he'd give out the wrong message when he met Tanner. The last thing he wanted was Tanner putting up an unnecessary fight or worse, fleeing.

After a few more feet, he approached a large glass set of doors. Behind the glass, he could see a large office that was shadowed in darkness. No one was inside.

He carefully reached out for the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. Pulling it, he was surprised to see it open with ease and no alarms start blaring. He slipped inside, closing the doors quietly behind him. Like he did the lobby, he quickly surveyed the room.

The office was extremely large. It's interior was well furnished in modern design and taste. A black fireplace was against one wall with two plush grey chairs in front of it. A large glass round table, which he guessed was for meetings, was on the opposite side of the room, surrounded by a number of matching black chairs. A black slick desk, bare, stood in front of the large windows that, at the moment, were covered by dark windows shades.

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