Forgotten In Shadows

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She was once full of innocence, but like an uncapped pen, she soon bled dry. - Mrs. Purple

Sitting in the dark and silence of a deserted park, a young woman sat alone. Her face was covered in grey shadows, hiding her cool appearances. Pale lips were drawn down into a deep frown, her brown eyes dim with hidden regrets, and her body, hunched slightly forward, looked frail with exhaustion.

The peacefulness and silencing sounds of the sleeping park brought comfort to the young woman. After all the day had brought her to endure, she found sanctuary in where she sat. Alone on the park bench, a small black lake shining with the reflection of the bright moon above, she took the time and darkness to catch her breath.

The sound of papers ruffling broke the silence of her retreat. Snapping open her wary eyes, she looked down and saw the wicked files she had risked her life to take. Growling, her peace replaced by sudden rage, she stood up and began pacing.

"Why did I sign up for this?" Mrs. Purple muttered angrily. "I have better things to do in my life than risk it for this!"

However, as soon as those words came out, a flash of painful regret overtook her. That was a lie, what she had just said. It would always be a lie, no matter how hard she'd try to convince herself otherwise. No matter how many gravestones she marked, bullets she forced herself to fire, or screams she caused that haunted her at night, nothing would ever stop her from risking her life to complete the promise she swore to keep.

That promise, that wicked promise, she once saw as a curse, was all that mattered to her. If her time on Earth ended before she could seal that promise, then her soul was going to be dragged into hell. Her vows would have meant nothing to the person she made the promise to. All the lives she took, all the blood she shed, and the monster she'd had to become, would've been for failure, and not for what she was trying to save.


It was a chilly evening in the peaceful town of Montgomery, Alabama. No breeze shuffled any leaves and no rain dampened the air. Nothing seemed to be out of place, for all was calm and silent.

That was how it usually was for the small town, for nothing too out of the ordinary really ever happened there. If the town was lucky, which wasn't often, they'd get someone, an outsider, most likely those looking for a fun vacation getaway, give the town a sniff, describe it as boring, then move on with their lives. That was how most outsiders saw the town: boring and dull.

However, for those that dwelled within the quiet town, they described it as peaceful and as an "Heaven on Earth". The town to them was a getaway from the busy city life and for those that couldn't do with high populated areas. Montgomery, Alabama, was where people could escape the crazy high paced lives of city folks, and lay low without worrying on how best to keep their heads from falling off. Yes, this was the town to just chill and relax, not worry about life struggles and high speed living.

However, for one household, nestled within a small neighborhood lane, that wasn't the case. Nothing relaxing or stress-relieving was happening inside it's walls, for fury and distraught ran loose, burning poison and violence between husband and wife.

"You lying bitch!" The angry yell of a man,  the husband, sounded out. "You lying little bitch!"

"What the hell, man!" A woman, responded, ducking as a glass vase came hurtling overhead and shattered against the wall. "Bastard! I'm not a lying bitch, you are!"

"Shut up!" He roared, going to aim another sharp object at the cowering woman. "Shut up!"

"Richard, stop it! You're scaring me!" The woman, Ruble, cried out, ducking again. "What's gotten into you?"

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