Present time

34 1 16

(your now 17 years old)
3rd person POV:

Y/n woke up yawning and stretching again getting out of bed"hm?" she looked on her couch to see natsu and happy snoring away"uh- how did you two get in?!" she rubbed her eyes walking to her closet"we've been sneaking in here since you joined the guild why do you care now?"

happy yawned and Y/n shrugged"it just came to me.." "wow you sure are oblivious" Y/n looked over at him playfully glaring"shut it cat" Happy giggled and sat on Y/n's head"hey Y/n?"

"hm? whats up?" Happy started to fly "do you have any fish?" he starts drooling "eww happy your drooling everywhere! go to the kitchen there should be some in there" He cheers and goes to search her kitchen for fish

She looks back at natsu who was still snoring away"ugh" she threw her shoe at his face"WAKE UP FLAME BRAIN" he shot up after getting hit in the face

"Oww Y/n That hurt! and who ya callin flame brain you wanna fight Y/m princess?!" she laughed"no not really" he rubs his head

"hey N/n how come you never fight?" she looks up at him, "uhh i dont know I just don't really see the need to" she shrugs. "yummy!" happy comes back in munching on fish. Y/n giggled"ok now get out I gotta get dressed"

she pushes the two out of her room and closes the door putting on a red tanktop and some black shorts with shoes and looked through the mirror running her hands

through her long H/c (or short) hair before opening the door to see Natsu raiding her kitchen and Happy was finishing up his fish. she grabbed a fruit and opened the door"c'mon let's go to the guild!" Natsu smiles and nodded jumping out the window

"the door works ya'know!" Y/n yells closing the door behind her and running to catch up with them walking to the guild.

"c'mon slow poke if we wanna get there sooner you gotta stop being so slow!"

Y/n turned around"ryu?" Nobody was there."Hey slow poke ya coming?" natsu also turned around watching his friend, happy looked to, Y/n looked bothered but turned around and smiled

"Yeah I'm coming wait up!" she continued to run and finally caught up to them natsu wraps an arm around her " you ok N/n?" She nods " oh yeah just thought i heard somethin" he nods before

kicking the door open only to get greeted by a table flying in their direction, which Natsu set on fire and destroyed" Hey who did that?!" He immidiately went in and got into a fight

"wow he really never wastes any time" Y/n laughs as she sits down at the bar next to cana"oh hey Y/n! you want to drink?" Cana gives her a beer"thanks cana!" Y/n smiles greatfully

"and how are you Y/n?" mira leaned on the counter looking at the H/c girl. "I've been fine Mira thanks for asking" she smiles"How have you been?" she smiled also "ive been good thanks N/n!"

"you have? where?!" Y/n and mira looked over to see natsu freaking out and he ran out of the guild happy right behind him, Y/n walked over to the guy natsu was talking to "hey what was that all about?"

"We were talking about how salamander was around a town not to far from here and he freaked out asking where" the man shrugs she nods and walks away"so igneel huh?" Y/n sighed and sat back down

Mira looked out the open guild doors"guess he went to go look for him" Y/n nods staying silent, until gray came over"where'd that pyro go" he said walking around "Gray your clothes!" cana yelled

"AH" he freaked out and went to go find his clothes making Y/n laugh "they really are idiots aren't they" Mira giggled"yup! but without them the guild wouldn't be half as lively"

Erza came over and sat down"yes i agree, but it couldn't kill them to be mature and think for once" Y/n giggles" I mean gray definitely not, but natsu? it just might kill him"

Mira went over to go talk to others while erza chuckled at that"your right L/n it just might" Cana got up"I can't drink in peace, can't you all keep it down?" she yelled over at a huge group that was fighting

"hmm..." Y/n got up and left the guild also as everyone was being loud and she didn't feel like dodging tables and chairs and flying people every two seconds

"hey Y/n!" Y/n turned around to see levy, jet, and droy waving over to her, she waves back and goes over to them "hey levy! droy, jet! whats up?" "how come your always alone of natsu's out?"

jet asked looking around "yeah it seems like your always together" she blushed slightly at jet and droys observation"that wasn't what I was gonna say.. but yeah I'm curious too!"

Y/n thought for a moment before smiling and rubbing her neck"I never even noticed that until you mentioned it! I dunno I guess he just always hangs out with me so I never really hung out with anyone else"

"ehh that makes sense you two are pretty close" levy giggled"but come on lets hang out all four of us since Natsu left" Y/n smiled and nodded walking with them

"ok that sounds good! you saved me from having a boring day thanks levy, and you too droy, jet!" Levy smiles at her"no problem N/n!"

Meanwhile with natsu

"who the heck are you?" natsu asked the weird ceepy guy, all the fangirls looked offended and started beating on him

"now now ladies, Im sure he didn't mean any harm" the fake salamander made an autograph for him"here you go!now you can all go brag to your little friends!"

Natsu yawned and started walking away"no thanks" The fangirls beat him up pretty bad and left to go fawn over salamander

"wow you guys saved my life! thanks for that if you guys didn't step in then I totally would have been a goner! let me repay you, oh im lucy by the way" a blonde haired girl smiles and holds her hand out for him to take

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