13 years ago

64 1 7

Hiiiii thankyou for reading this! idk if yall will like it but I do so far

Y/m means your magic

N/n means nickname

M/n is moms name

and D/n is dads name

enjoy the story! :)

(your 4 years old)

you watched in wonder as the wizards used their magic, wowing the crowd of magnolia, it was their yearly parade they do, your father was a wizard before he died on a job so your mom brings you to these to make you happy.

One of the wizards looked at you and waved showing off their magic and it exploded sprinkling around you"mommy mommy did you see that?" you giggled and jumped up twirling around watching the beautiful sight, your mom smiled at you.

"N/n why don't we go home? it's getting late.." you looked past your mom watching the floats go the opposite direction "are you ok mommy? " she nods tiredly, but smiles brightly, "yes everythings ok, lets go honey" you nod smiling and take her hand.

She gets to the train station and buys two tickets back  to your home town, as you both wait for the train the fireworks go off and you smiled"mommy do you think I have magic like daddy did?"

you look up at your mom but, she looks sad at the mention of your father, she quickly replaces her sad look with a close eyed smile."I know you do sweetheart, one day you'll have magic just like him"

The train comes and you both get onto the train taking one of the booths in the back. You yawn leaning your head against your moms shoulder who strokes your hair softly."goodnight mommy" you yawn again closing your eyes."goodnight Y/n" she smiles and kisses your forehead.

(now your twelve)

You sit up and yawn stretching your arms as you slowly get out of bed, you walk out of your room passing by a picture of little you, your dad and your mom, and you smile before getting dressed in your favorite clothes, and brushing your teeth

"goodmorning mom!" you run out the door"goodmorning N/n! come back for lunch!" you wave bye as you run through the village waving to everyone and saying hi to friends. You go over to your friend Ryu's house "Oi you coming or what?"

you giggle as he comes out before he slaps the back of your head"oww what was that for?" you pout as he begins to walk"thats for rushing me, now quit pouting and hurry up would ya? lets go train!"

He smiles and turns around looking at you before grabbing your hand and running to the forest where you two usually hang out
as you both get there he uses a wind attack against you and it pushed you down

"h-hey you didnt say start no fair!" you yelled. "N/n if someone attacks you they aren't gonna tell you when" he sighs. You get back up and hit him with Y/m attack sending him a few feet before he lands

on his back"how was that ryu?" you smirk as Y/m was floating gently in the palm of your hand. He chuckled and got back up"good but not good enough, if we really wanna join a guild we have to get better!"

you both smile determinedly before throwing attacks at eachother again."Y/n! Ryu! lunch is ready!" your mom calls out"Ah im starving come on Ryu lets go eat!"

You giggle running out of the woods to your house"whats with you and food? your obsessed with it- hey wait up!" he runs after you

(your now 15 )

everything was in flames. your whole village was destroyed" is anyone there?" you yell desperately trying to see if there was anyone that needed help"Ryu? Mom?!"

you were running down the street before stopping to see Ryu standing there just watching the town burn"r-ryu? whats going on are you ok?" You run over to him only for him to turn to you and hold up his hand

You stopped confused"what are you doing?" he stared at you blankly"wind spiral" A blast of wind comes at you blasting you farther away.

you gasped in pain as you landed harshly before getting up"hey whats the big idea?!" you stomped over to him"i feel so powerful.." he tries to punch you but you catch it" Ryu whats up with you?!"

He starts laughing"its done its finally done! I'm stronger Y/n, I took down our whole village nobody can stop me now!" you growl and tackle him to the floor pinning him down"What are you talking about!"

He stares at you blankly before holding his hand up to you"tornado blast" wind circled around you blocking your sight and picking you up and tossing you to the side

"your weak Y/n, your not worth my time, and you'll never stop me from becoming the most powerful" he kicked you  before walking away"your mother is fine, She left. I suggest you do the same" You growl and slowly get up

but he's gone, "i'll find you one day.." you tear up and walk away from your destroyed village, you travel for days and weeks before finally getting to magnolia,

you enter the town and make your way to the guild, swinging the doors open. everyone stops what they're doing and looks at you, it becomes dead silent"u-uhm im here to join?" you say rubbing the back of your neck feeling less sure

A pink hairedguy and a blue flying cat comes over to you"your gonna join fairy tail? well hi Im natsu dragneel!" he smiles

'wait a FLYING CAT??!' you think"woah your cats so cool!" you smile back "and hiya I'm Y/n L/n!" everyone said hi before going back to thier own thing,

when natsu drags you to the bar" hey mira! Y/n wants to join!" natsu yells and you look down not really knowing what to do"Welcome to the guild Y/n! where would you like your mark and what colour?" You look up

"oh uhmm right here please! and F/c" you smile sheepishly as you point to (B/p). "okie dokie here yah go!" she shows you your guild mark "thanks so much mira!" "no problem! glad to have you here"

Everyone cheered that you joined and begin to drink, you giggled at how happy everyone seemed and sighed just sitting at the bar "hey L/n!" you turned around to see Natsu standing on a table"fight me!"

he smiles lookin at you, you laugh and turn around"no thanks natsu" you take a sip of your water before a chair got thrown at your back"it wasn't a question now cmon fight me! or are ya scared?"

everyone was now looking at you two all 'oohing' "oh your on dragneel!" you yell and get up getting ready to fight, lets just say erza didn't wanna deal with you two at the moment and bonked

you both on the head leaving you both on the floor"wow she's scary" you whisper" happy flew up to you both and landed on Natsu's head"Aye that's erza for you!" natsu groaned"the chick's a real monster"

Hiiiiiiii again thankyou for reading I just wanted to show you guys how you grew up and how you got into fairtytail, the whole backstory came to me in a dream so sorry if its bad but hope you enjoyed :))

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