Chapter 19 - On The Run

Start from the beginning

After getting out, I towel dried my hair and let it hang loose over my shoulders so that it could dry naturally.

When it was 11:32, I became restless again and took another peak out of the window. Lily would be here soon.

As I leaned back on the bed, I thought back to everything that had happened earlier with Adrian. I remembered hitting him hard enough to have taken him by surprise, which had ultimately given me an advantage - but something still felt wrong.

He'd so easily tracked me down when I'd fled so far away from the shopping centre, yet somehow I'd managed to escape him this time round.

What if this was part of his plan?

I hoped against hope that this wasn't a trap and that Adrian had indeed lost my scent. Scouring the tree line again I saw nothing at first, but froze when I did notice a lone figure standing in the shadows.

Oh no.

I just knew I wouldn't have seen them at a passing glance, and a human wouldn't have ever spotted them at all.

Whoever they were, they were trying to stay hidden and were standing so still that it seemed unnatural.

My first thought: They weren't human.

My heart plummeted.

When they looked my way I ducked behind the curtain, heart pounding in my chest.

It couldn't have been.

Adrian couldn't have found me already, could he?

Maybe he had.

I couldn't determine if it had been Adrian or not, and when I peeked my head around the curtain they'd already disappeared.


Swallowing loudly, I sat down on the bed again to calm myself and made sure to keep a good distance away from the windows. The last thing I needed was for Adrian to find me.

I sincerely hoped Lily would get here, and soon.

At 11:57 there was a knock on the door. I was jolted awake.

Trudging over to it, I yawned widely and pulled it open to reveal a scared-looking boy no older than 16 shaking violently.

When I saw him I was instantly on guard. 'Can I help you?' I asked. I didn't recognise him.

The boy opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't over his chattering teeth.

'H-he m-m-made me.' He finally managed. Specks of dried blood were covering his shirt.

I frowned at him. 'What? Who made you?'

I was relieved to find both sides of the corridor empty. I was quickly becoming impatient. 'Who m--'

I didn't have time to even finish my sentence. Something hard collided into me and threw me back against the wall with such force that my skull almost cracked.

The boy screamed in terror before he was abruptly cut off by something and thrown down the hotel corridor. I looked up to see the door being slammed shut.

I was trapped.

'Please...' Grabbing the back of my throbbing skull, I scrambled back against the wall and stared up in horror at the intruder.


I froze when Adrian stood looking down at me, dried blood on his face. His fangs were extended and he held a murderous expression.


He pulled me up by the collar of my shirt, leaving my feet to dangle helplessly several feet off the ground.

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