
"What was that, pet?" Park hummed, dumping hot water into the bowl of dry noodles, stirring them with chopsticks.

Yoongi ignored him, searching deeper for Suga's strong, solid glow. He had to be here...somewhere...

He felt Agust briefly, and was stunned to feel how weak the alter was.

What the hell were these men doing to his personalities?!

"Agust...what's going on?" He murmured, starting to feel overwhelmed.

"Do you prefer beef or pork, doll?" Park was oblivious to Yoongi's panic as he finished cooking the noodles.

"Please," Yoongi grabbed the bars, rattling the chains slightly. "You have to let me go!"

"I'll do both." Park decided, shaking both seasonings into the bowl.

Yoongi couldn't believe this man, and he watched him in disbelief as Park unlocked the cage, setting the bowl inside and locking it again. "Let me go! I need to go back home!" He begged, ignoring the food.

"You saw me make it, so you know it's not drugged." Park nodded at the noodles. "You need to eat, doll."

"Listen to me!" Yoongi shouted, anger taking over. "I'm not your fucking doll! Or your fucked up version of a pet! I'm a human being! I have a husband- a family! They need me, I know they're freaking out that I'm gone, and I need to get back to them! I have a life- I'm a teacher! You can't do this! Let me go!"

Park sighed. "Don't shout, doll. I can hear you just fine normally."

He stood up to leave and Yoongi panicked.

"Wait!" He cried, shaking the cage to get the mans attention. "Stop- don't leave!"

Park grinned. "Oh? Does the pretty pet not like to be left alone?" He walked back and although Yoongi hated him, having the man close meant there was a chance he could escape, especially since he knew Park had the key to get him out of this cage.

"How could I not listen to my beautiful doll?" Park cooed, sitting down beside the cage again.

Yoongi was convinced the man suddenly became deaf whenever Yoongi said something Park didn't want to hear.

"Please," Yoongi sighed, exhausted. He rested his head against the cage wall. "Please...just talk to me. Tell me what's going on...I don't know anything when the others take over...I don't even know how I got here. I just...want to know."

Park reached his fingers through the bars, and Yoongi forced himself not to jerk away when he felt the man petting him. "Oh, my poor doll. Of course I'll help you. Well, for starters, we brought you to my house after it became clear we couldn't keep you in the tent anymore."

He chuckled. "You're a hard one to keep, pet, I'll give you that."

Yoongi ignored his hatred for the nicknames. "I thought you said you had a family."

"Good memory, doll!" Park praised. "I do, but they're on vacation right now, so we have the house to ourselves. Well, us and Lee."


Why hadn't Yoongi met him yet? What was he doing?

"Pretty please will you eat for me, doll?" Park frowned when he saw the untouched food slowly cooling in the corner.

Yoongi shook his head, despite the intense hunger pangs he had been feeling.

"If you don't eat on your own, I'll have to force feed you." Park warned. "I really don't want to do that, pet."

Yoongi just shook his head again. "Don't want to eat. Want Namjoon." Just the mention of his husband was enough to make the tears flow.

"Who?" Park tilted his head.

Yoongi reached into his pocket and pulled out his wedding ring, a soft smile on his lips when the ring automatically triggered good memories.

"Ah," Park suddenly snatched the ring from Yoongi's hand. "You won't be needing this anymore."

"No!" Yoongi cried, reaching for it. "No! Please, give it back! I need it! Please- I'll do anything!"

Park smiled. "You'll eat for me?"

Yoongi hiccupped through his tears and nodded, straining to reach the ring, but Park kept it just out of his reach cruelly. "Please..."

"Get to it then, doll." Park hid the ring away in his fist.

Yoongi whimpered, still futilely trying to get his ring back, before dropping his arm in defeat. He pulled back and looked to the bowl of noodles. They would be cool by now, but Yoongi didn't care.

He grabbed the bowl and curled up in the corner, as far away as he could get from the man and shoveled the noodles into his mouth with the chopsticks, not even tasting them.

"The water too, doll." Park hummed. "All of it."

At this point, Yoongi hoped the food was drugged, so he wouldn't have to keep existing in this hell.

Suga was gone. Agust was beaten. He was far away from his family and now he didn't even have his wedding ring for comfort.

Park beamed when Yoongi finally set the bowl down, glad to see it was empty. "Good job, pet!"

"Please," Yoongi shuffled over to the side of the cage that Park was at. He shakily raised his hands out, cupping them together for the ring. "Please...please?"

Park held up the ring, studying it. "Hmm, I dunno. You listen so much better when I'm holding this."

Yoongi's heart dropped. "No...p-please! I need it! Please! I did what you wanted! Please!"

Park chuckled, holding his hand out and dropping the ring back into Yoongi's hands. "Alright, pet. No need to freak out. Here you go, babydoll."

Yoongi gripped the ring tightly, scooting away so the man couldn't take it away again.

Park stood up and stretched. "Alright. I have to go- oh!" He walked away, and Yoongi was confused to see him grab a bunch of blankets and stuffed animals. He came back and pushed the items through the bars, rattling the chains. "Here, Lee wanted you to have these."

"Why...?" Yoongi picked up a mini, fluffy giraffe, studying it with a puzzled look.

"He wants you to change into Yoonie." The man said, and Yoongi dropped the stuffed animal.

"What- why?!" Yoongi shook his head. "No! Yoonie's only six! He'll be scared and cry and I won't force him to have to go through that!"

"You should do what he wants." Park warned. "He's scary when he's angry, and I don't want him to hurt you."

Yoongi shoved the stuffed animals back out. "Fuck you and fuck him! Yoonie doesn't deserve to be brought into this hell!"


But before they could argue, the door opened, and the other man came in.

"Did he transform yet?" Byungwoo asked.

Yoongi's blood turned to ice at the mans voice, recognizing it instantly.

"No..." He breathed, his heart pounding. His eyes were wide, staring at nothing as he heard footsteps come closer and closer, and felt a presence right beside the cage.

There was a moment of tense silence, and then a hand suddenly grabbed Yoongi's face, forcing the boy to look at him.

His father.

Min Byungwoo grinned, seeing the shock and terror in his beautiful son's eyes.

"Hey, Yoon."

Sexual Exploration 2Where stories live. Discover now