You get sick🌡️

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Requested by: mlcsings



You we're laying in bed...with a cold.... 'i knew i shouldn't have eaten that shit...' you thought to yourself, groaning.

You wanted to get up so badly, but the flu you we're currently dealing with is just too much to bear... oh, if only someone we're here to---

Your thoughts we're cut off by a oh so familiar voice;


His sudden burst of energy was swooped out by a wave of concern as he looks down at your shaking figure.

With sympathetic eyes he slowly approached your bed, his eyebrows knit together.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." He shook his head, his heels clacking on the floor in unison.

"Oh, my precious fawn...what happened?" He asks with concern laced in his voice, pulling his arm up to your small forehead.

Pulling his arm back he looks at you with wide eyes; "Dear, you're burning up! I must tell Charlie about this and excuse you today!" He says frantically whilst pulling up your blanket to your shoulder.

Before leaving he looks back at you, his infamous grin still on his face, "Stay here Darling, I shall make soup for you so, stay comfortable my dearest~" The overlord finished as he closes the door behind you.

Because of his outstanding care, you recovered after two days! Get you a man like this one 👌👌

°Angel Dust

Morning light shone from the windows as Angel groaned due to his slumber being disturbed.

"Hey, Schnookums..." He lifts an arm to gently shake you up with. "Baby, it's time to get up. If we don't, Vaggie's gonna beat our ass up Suga'.." He chuckles, thinking of the latina shouting at the both of you.

Once you still didn't respond, he began to get worried; "uh...Babe?" He grabs your shoulder and push it back to the mattress only to see your unconscious face.

Angel grabs a hold of your cheeks only to pull back in shock,

"Holy fucking Hell, you're burning!.... well, not literally." He states as he quickly got up, run out the door and came back to his room with a small basin with cold water along with a small towel. "Years of getting sick better pay up well." He mumbled to himself, eager to get you to recover.

So recovered in 4 days, because he refused to get help, but due to his eagerness he decided to ask for help oN tHe ThIrD dAy.


So... you're in uh...his Lab...with a blanket over your shoulders.

Baxter looks at you in confusion but was quickly replaced with concern when you suddenly sneezed out of the blue.

Well, he has all sorts of 🌟 dIsGuStAnG 🌟  medicine.

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