Opera singer s/o

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Hey guys! I would really really really appreciate it if you check out StickIsGrate3! He's are really underrated and i think he deserves love!!! He's currently writing a God au of me....for some reason-

But i swear! It's really good! So if you're interested consider checking it out :)

Thank You!! And without further ado, Enjoy!



- wait really???

- Prepare to see the widest smile you've ever seen in your entire life

- Proud Radio demon moment

- Would be delighted if you sing for him

- Would give you tips and such

- Would watch your shows whenever you have them :))

- D u e t s


- Oh cool so you're like those ladies with huge ass mouths, got it

- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

- Angel no

- Is proud- would watch you practice but will fall asleep

- is concerned for your vocal cords

- would brag about you

- „My s/o can fucking sing high as fuck, you can't do shit"


- There were Opera singers back in like- the fucking titanic right?

- yeah i think so,,, like- performances in uh- the ship? Yeah i think so

- he'd have Vietnam flashbacks. Yeah

- but only a good part of the flashbacks tho

- finds your voice really calming

- wants you to practice in his lab because „it's soundproof"  and "won't disturb the hotel"

- he just adores your voice like he adores you


- h

- *inhales*

- „I love you"

- Peeps can find both of you singing often

- they don't mind it tho

- you both sound wonderful

- heaven in hell


Hazbin Hotel ScenariosNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ