But today, that's going to change. I'm taking a stand, as what I've always done, on what's right. I'm going to make sure, absolute sure, that the world knows the truth.

"Ana! Applehead! Come and play with us!" Little Danny yelled, waving us over. Danny was Madeline's nephew.

I glanced at my love, raising my eyebrow. "If he asks us to play tag, you're gonna lose."

"Oh, really?" She raised her eyebrows as well. "Are you sure about that?"

"Very sure."

Ana grabbed my hand, pulling my hand. "We're going to see about that, nut."

I laughed, putting my hat onto one of the kid's heads. Danny lead the game, choosing Isabella to be 'it'. As she counted behind one of the teepee's, Ana and a few other kids ran down the path, hiding into a bush. I actually hid inside one of the teepee's in hopes that she wouldn't catch me.

"I'm coming!" She yelled. I hoped that the nosy news reporters were obtaining this footage.

About five minutes into the game, I was still hiding but she managed to find the others. The kids she found were yelling and running away. There wasn't a safe space so they couldn't win regardless.

Isabella managed to tag Ana and run as quickly as she could. The moment I saw her charge towards the teepee I was hiding in, I ran out quickly and down the path. I noticed that she had taken her heels off for this, and she began to run after me with her arm covering her chest.

I squealed happily picking up speed drifting farther away from her. She screamed for me to come back so she could win, heavily out of breath already and she hasn't even ran that long.

When I was sure that we had a great distance away from each other, I slowed down and began walking. The worst part about this, is I couldn't hear Ana running. I could only hear her heavy breathing.

"Do you give up baby? Because I can assure you that you're not going to catch me," I teased, looking over my shoulder. She was walking with her hands on her hips tiredly.

"No... No. You're the one that's gonna lose!" She shot back.

I chuckled, looking forward. "Okay. Good luck, my love."

She mocked me making me laugh even more.

We had walked for so long, crossing the bridge that I hadn't even released how close she was to me. Before I could turn around, she was on my back repeatedly tapping my chest in a mocking manner.

"You're it! Ha! Loser!" She yelled victoriously. "Now who can't catch you, Michael Jackson? Who?!"

I chuckled, holding onto her legs briefly. "It was luck, that was all."

"Luck my behind!" She jumped down. "Now catch me if you can!"

Without another word, she ran back towards the village. Or at least she attempted to. Because as soon as she lifted her foot to run my arms were already pulling her back to me. Now with her back against my chest, I lifted her up in the air before sitting her back on her feet.

Ana shrieked in laughter, turning around to slap my hand. "Cheater!"

I pulled her close to me for a kiss. All day I've missed her lips. Our time spent with the children still wasn't over and since they've had most of our attention, it was hard to have alone time.. I didn't mind it, but I miss her affection today.

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