Chapter 3

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No one's POV

Y/N and Sarah were escaping from their home while FalloutRamos and Esdeath were fighting each other after FalloutRamos was down Esdeath was going after Y/N and Sarah as Esdeath captured them and taking them to the capital but the danger beasts showed up and attacked them and one beasts cuts Y/N throat and Esdeath and Sarah were running and Esdeath was carrying Y/N as they made to the capital and the doctors were in a hurry and saving Y/N later on the doctor went to Esdeath amd told her that he is going to be okay but he lost his vocals which he is unable to talk and he lost his voice for the rest of his life.

~time ship~


I slowly starting to wake up and looks around and felt my throat hurt but I was feeling something strange and I wasn't talking as my sister looked at me and she hugs me tightly.

Sarah: Y/N you're okay I'm so glad you're awake and safe.

I was looking at her and I was trying to speak to her.

Sarah: brother look I'm sorry to say this but you lost your vocals and your voice.

My eyes widened and hearing this and I look at myself and my hands as I was getting my fist but I saw Esdeath walked in the room and walks to the bed and sits down looking at me.

Esdeath: Hello Y/N~

Y/N mind: Oh no not her again.

Esdeath: I'm so sorry what happened there I never thought this was going to happen those danger beats will be all dead for hurting my Y/N~

She looked at my sister and she looked back at me.

Esdeath: Sarah you will be taking care of my love and you will be responsible for him and if you failed me or not doing your job I will punish you you understand me!

She has a scary face appearing on her as Sarah nod to her.

Esdeath: Good now I'm heading to see my jaegers team how are they doing their mission excuse me.

She walks out of the room leaving me and my sister alone.

Sarah: Y/N here have this * she gives you a notebook and a pencil * you write on it and show everything that you're talking but using your notebook so everyone and me can see you're talking.

(When you are talking on the notebook I will put ** so when the characters are reading your notebook good luck)

Y/N: *so this is how I ended up here in the capital with that woman who destroyed our home and friends?*

Sarah: Well what else we can do Esdeath would have killed me and take you to her like nothing there's nothing else to do so we have to live with it brother.

I look at her as I looked down and disappointed.

Y/N: *You're right sis there is nothing to do I guess this is our mew home I guess?*

Sarah: Yes it is.

Y/N: *I'm not going to forget what Esdeath had done with us.*

Sarah: I know but we can't beat her she is way too dangerous to defeat her.

Y/N: *Only one person who can defeat her but I think he died for protecting us from her.*

Sarah: I agree with you the person who saved us was I uh what was it hmm I think FalloutRamos.

Y/N: *Yes that's it he can but I'm not sure if he's done.*

Sarah: Me too.

~time ship~

Somewhere at the village.

No one's POV

The village was completely destroyed by the imperial army and the leader of jaegers Esdeath.

the birds were flying around and land on the dead bodies and eating it all as one bird land on a helmet and seeing a armor guy as FalloutRamos pushes the bird off him and he wakes up and stands up and seeing the village destroyed.

FalloutRamos POV

I looked at this poor village has been destroyed and all the people were dead and killed by the imperial army and the most dangerous general that the empire ever had.

FalloutRamos: Damn it she really did knock me out * looks around and grabs my weapon and fixing my power armor and I was looking around and saw footsteps to the Forest and thinks of Y/N and his sister and knows Esdeath had followed them* oh no Esdeath was chasing them down I must go rescue them before it's too late

I was getting my stuff and my plasma weapon and my plasma sniper everything ready to go save Y/N and his sister.

FalloutRamos: Hold on Kid I'm coming

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FalloutRamos: Hold on Kid I'm coming.

I walked away from the village and heading to the capital and I was putting a hoodie on me while walking away.

To Be Continue

Author's Note

Well looks like I'm going to save you guys from Esdeath be ready for the next new chapter I apologize for the other chapters are gone no worries I will get it better and remake it at once.

Yandere Esdeath x Mute Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now