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•Your Pov•

Deciding to hang out with Seamus today since I had that fight with harry and Ron confessed to me . Just thinking about it made my cheeks heat up.

"You alright (Y/n)?"

I heard Seamus voice and I smile looking at him while looking at the common room for before looking at him again. "I'm fine Seamus." I'd answer back.

"Ooo what book is that?" I'd ask pointing at the one next to him and I'd watch him smile and started talking. I loved having conversations with Seamus he wasnt rude Nor cared about my choice of subjects.

"Oh! I also love dragons!" I'd say in excitment jumping on the couch slightly making us both chuckle.

"Great. Because I have so many of these!"

"We can talk about it in the lunch hall."

"Ooo then we could go to the library!"

"Oh I'd love that!"

Knowing me and Seamus where actually good friends since 1st year and we've hanged out so much lately since harry stopped talking to me. Well harry wasnt really there for me most of the time but that still doesn't mean I love him.

"Hey (Y/n)."

I'd look up as I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yea Seamus?"

"Are you and Ron together?" He'd ask with a smirk and I felt my face turn pink.

"Well I. Uhmm guess we are?" I'd answer covering half of my face with my hand.

"Oh that's a bummer. So many boys were going to ask you out at hogsmead." He'd gap his chin and my eyes widened.


"Yea. But I guess Ron got to ya first." He'd grab the book again. Wow. I'm not even that popular well Harry's more popular than me but that still doesnt mean I'm the star of the show.

"C'mon (Y/n) we have to get to ge lunch hall."


▪︎Time Skip▪︎

"Wait so your not afraid of suiris black?"

I'd shake my head eating another piece of toast. Before swallowing and answering.

"Well he is my godfather after all-"

"But he killed your parents."

"No he-who-must-not-be-names did."

Seamus crossed his arm before looking at me a bit confused. That's when I saw the trio walk I'm and I immediately look down.

"U alright (Y/n)?"

"There." I'd point and he would finally understand.

"Well your gonna have to forgive him someday!"

"I have it's just.. harry probably doesn't."

I'd sigh before looking at Seamus again with a faint smile. While he was giving me a comfort smile.

"C'mon there's other stuff I'd live to show you!"

"But Dark arts-"

"That can wait!"

I felt a force pull me forward as I'd yelp in surprise before walking Normally. I'd follow Seamus out of the great hall.

○With the red head, wormbook and the chosen one●

"So your just going to ignore her?!"

"Well obviously." Harry answers Hermiones question still walking through the halls.

"Mate your going to have to forgive her some day." Ron explains holding his strap if the bag.

"Plus we have bigger issues like Sirius black."

Harry felt his anger grow just because of the name. He hated suiris black knowing he was the source of the death of his parents. And how he would still protect (Y/n) from him.

All walking into the great hall as harry doesnt even make eye contact with (Y/n) Hermione still begging for harry to forgive her while Ron stared at the two talking and laughing. He felt heartbroken at the sight now knowing he confessed to her.

"Ron come on!" Hermione explained he would nod sadly before looking at the two leave. He never intended to ignore her but because of Harry he doesn't think he'd even try. It's fine tho he had a plan to take her out somewhere before 4th year. Before anyone even could try and lay a finger on her and-



He was finally snapped out of his thoughts by the loud screaming of Hermione. And well ginny. Ginny was still questioning why they were ignoring (Y/n) but in reality she loved it. She loved that fact that (Y/n) potter wasnt getting all the attention. But instead she was. She could finally talk to harry seeming as (Y/n) always had his attention.

"Let's look for (Y/n)."

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