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•Your Pov•



Was all me and harry could do right now. Well since we ran off because I did something. I didn't even do it!

"Let's sit here.." I  explain as I felt my legs wanted to fall off.

We then sit on the pavement. I sigh and hug my knees looking at Harry . Seeing his expression really worried me.

"Are you m-mad at m-me?" I ask and he looks at me before shaking his head.

"No I'm not (Y/n)." He would pay my head and I smiled at him.

I sigh grabbing my wand seeing it was dark here. No lights. All the houses lights were off.


(The OG spell)

I look around the street and my eyes widened seeing a huge blue bus speeding and the stars going slow. I couldn't move. It was as if I had roots under me.

"(Y/n)! Get out of the way!"

I look at harry slightly pushing me back but we were now laying on the floor as the bus stops right in front of us.

Harry snatched up his wand again and scrambled to his feet. Close up, he saw that Stan
Shunpike was only a few years older than he was, eighteen or nineteen at most, with large,
protruding ears and quite a few pimples.

“What were you doin’ down there?” said Stan, dropping his professional manner.

“Fell over,” said Harry.

“’Choo fall over for?” sniggered Stan.

“we didn’t do it on purpose,” said Harry annoyed. One of the knees in his jeans was torn, and the
hand he had thrown out to break his fall was bleeding. He suddenly remembered why he hadfallen over and turned around quickly to stare at the alleyway between the garage and fence. The
Knight Bus’s headlamps were flooding it with light, and it was empty.

"H-Harry your bleeding!" I explain rushing over to him.

"I'm fine (Y/n) honestly." 

I smile slightly before looking up at the conductor. He looked around at Stan, whose mouth was slightly open. With a feeling of unease, Harry saw
Stan’s eyes move to the scar on Harry’s  forehead. And my shoulder.

“Woss that on your ’ead and your shoulder?” said Stan abruptly.

I looked at my ripped sleeve and I look at harry before at the conductor.

"Its er-"

"Its nothing." Harry cut me off.

“Woss your name?” Stan persisted.

“Neville Longbottom,” said Harry

"And you?"

"I er- I'm."

"Luna lovegood." Harry cute me off once again and I look at him confused.  I then look at the conductor again.

“So — so this bus did you say it goes anywhere?” I ask slowly standing up and dusting my (f/c)  dress.

“Yep,” said Stan proudly, “anywhere you like, ’long it’s on land. Can’t do nuffink underwater."

“Ere,” he said, looking suspicious again, “you did flag us down, dincha? Stuck out your wand  and, dincha?”

“Yes,” said Harry quickly. “Listen, how much would it be to get to London?”

“Eleven Sickles,” said Stan, “but for firteen you get ’ot chocolate, and for fifteen you get an otwater bottle an’ a toofbrush in the color of your choice.”

I watch harry rummage through his bag and take out his money bag. And give exactly eleven sickles.

"Thank you."

We walk in There were no seats; instead, half a dozen brass bedsteads stood beside the curtained windows.
Candles were burning in brackets beside each bed, illuminating the wood-paneled walls. A tiny wizard in a nightcap at the rear of the bus muttered, “Not now, thanks, I’m pickling some slugs."

I watch harry get into bed and I sit on the edge of the bed and sigh then look at harry.

"Are you alright (Y/n)?" Harry asks.

"Yea just my ankle really hurts."  I explain and harry looks at me then my foot before he sits up.

"Dont put pressure on it okay-"


Me and harry go flying back and my yelp my pain feeling my ankle hit something hard. I look around seeing other people.

I watch one by one leaving the bus and we were the last people. I look at the stan.

"Last peopl' "

We both nod before the bus moves again. I was now used to it but that still didn't mean my ankle was.

"Were almost there (Y/n) dont worry!" Harry comforted me .

I nod before looking out of the window seeing we were going through muggle busses . I already know that they couldn't see this bus.

"And where here at London."

I look out the window and I nod standing up and before I could grab my suitcases harry beat me to it.

"You dont h-have to!"

"I insist." He smiles at me before we walk down the stairs. Well I wasnt walking more like limping.

"Thank you." I mumble.

"C'mon the weasleys are wating."


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