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Your Pov•

Slowly opening my eyes being greeted by the same wooden ceiling iv been seeing for the past two days. I yawned and turned my head while rubbing my eyes.

"Good morning harry-"

My eyes widened seeing harry wasnt in bed. I began to worry and  quickly get up from bed  nearly falling from the pain in my ankle.

"Ow..." I whisper and look at the door speed limping to the door slowly opening it and I walk down the stairs slowly.

I stop halfway seeing the weasley family and harry sitting with Hermione and Ron. I blink a few times.

"I-I'll just go back to b-bed." I whisper and take a step back.

"(Y/n)!" I heard a familiar voice and I look down seeing Ron and Hermione smiling at me gaining the whole weasley family.

"H-Hah hey guys." I continue limping down the steps and I smile before slowly walking to Harry's table.

"What's wrong with your ankle?" Ron asked and I chuckle at his worried expression.

"Oh I just fell." I answer back

"Does it hurt? Its probably broken . Is it broken?! Wait when did you fall? my mother can fix you right up!"

"Ron! I'm fine honestly!" I cut him off from his mumbling.

(Deku where you at?)

"Hello (Y/n)!"

I turn my head seeing Hermione and I smile slightly.

"Hello Hermione!" I wave at her.

"How was your summer? Mine was amazing!" She explained doing a mini dance and looking at me again . I laugh at her actions.

"It wasnt all bad. And thank you for the gifts."

"Now time for the main issue.. " she slightly glared at me and I blink a few times confused.

"W-What is it Hermione??" I ask as I chuckle nervously.

As she was about to talk .Mr weasley  cuts her.

"(Y/n) and harry could you come here for a second."

I smile looking up at him before looking at Hermione and smiling innocently. "We'll talk later."

I stand up following harry and we stop at a pillar. A bit of shade was around us and now we were a bit far away from the rest . On the pillar standing behind mr weasley was a guy screaming as people would call him. Sirius black.

I finally stopped thinking and actually looked at mr weasley.

"Iv come here to warn you (Y/n) and Harry."

"Warn us about what?" Harry asks hearing his worried voice.

"Sirius black... hes after you two?  He stopped mid way his sentence before continuing and my eyes widened slightly.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Hes coming to kill you two.."

"K-Kill?!"  Harry asked with a worried expression.

"Yes well-"

"That's enough!" I heard mrs weasley knowing she was listening to our conversation.

I look at harry and I gulp before looking at the poster again and I blink a few times. Before looking at mrs weasley again.

"C'mon everyone we have to get to Diagon alley to get your school supplies." Mrs weasley rushes us.

We walk out and I look smile slightly "At least I could buy you a new broom haha." I say to harry as he shakes his head.

"No need. Iv eaten so much cake from Ron and Hermione.." he Pat's my head and I nod.

"Next year then." I whisper kicking the floor .

I then sigh before looking up at harry as my face saddened slightly. "Harry.. do you think he wants to kill us?" I ask.

"If he does I wont let him get you." Harry looks straight forward again and I nod.

Before continuing to walk thinking if I should go to school or not.

"Im scared.."

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