2 - Creatures + Attack

Start from the beginning

'Duh?! Of course their are more.' Lily said 'You should really read sometime sis.' she mock but Lalaine ignored it.

These two are really funny when they bicker.

'And the Curse Blood, that was really interesting Summer.' she said to me.

'Oh my G. Summer knows about the Curse Blood too?' Lily exclaimed 'They are like a very mysterious creature and no one really knows about them and what they are capable off.' she said

'Do you know anything about them?' I ask and she look at me with a shining star in her eyes...if thats even possible since thats what it looks like... But theirs no star it just something like that if I will explain the way she look at me everytime I ask some questions too her.

'Not really an info but I did some research about them before beause I was reaslly curious. There are actually some book about them, different theories about them but theirs only few books created since no one really know much about them. It said that.........' she pause and look at her right and then to the left.. Now I'm getting excited, the excitement is building up. 'There all............bullshit.' *whack* I hit her in the head.

'Ouch!!!' she said 'Sorry, theirs no info about them and about the book their all just theory and a hunch...so its pretty useless.' she explained.


'Did you see what she did?'


Whispered by the other student who saw what I did... Now what?!

'Hahaha.. Its your fault little sis.' Lalaine said to her sister and whack her head too.

'Ouch... Stop it, my brain cells wil die. I know I have a lot of them and you guys have like few of them so I won't hit back.' I stared at her is she... she meet my gaze then gulp ' Of course your excempted Summer I was talking about my sister here, who knows what will happen if all her brain cell were all gone, right sis?! Maybe you'll be a new creature and I'll call your species Dumber... It really suits you.' she said mocking her sister.

'What are you guys talking about?' Madison ask

Ohhh.. almost forgot about this girl. This girl likes Hunter even though she was already flat out rejected she still insist and dont want to accept that Hunter and I are mates.

'Hey Madison.' Lily greet

'You're still hanging out with this freak here?!' she said glaring at me.

'She's cool....and awesome.' Lily said

'Hah!? If its cool then your already looking at it..ME.' she said arrogantly 'Of course you two are cool.' Lily answered.

'Are you comparing me to her?! Just look at my face and my body, for you to compare me to that freak is really insulting.' she added... Whats her problem?

'Will you stop it Madison? You're really out of line here.' Lalaine defended

'You too Lalaine? You're going to choose that freak over me... ? I thought we were friends?' Madison said

'Woah! Since when are the two of you are friends?' Lily said and stood up eyeing Madison up and down then settle in her eyes. 'If I remember correctly you were always bullying my sister and treat her like a servant but when you...' she pause and glared at Madison 'bitches' it sounded weird we she said the word bitch... 'Learned that his the betas mate you were all so nice to her and acted as if nothings happen.' she finishes.

Madison was caught off guard and 'W-wha-' she stammered

'What's happening here?' We heard Hunters voice


'Were okay..just having a chitchat here with Madison.' Lily said with a smile as if nothing happen.

Ohh... So this kid has this kind of personality too.

'Oh.' Hunter said and look at me and I just shrug at him

Madison walk out looking piss.

After having our break we went to our classroom for the next class... I told them to go first since I want to go to the restroom so they headed first.

As I walk to the hallway I notice someones presence in my back it felt like someones watching me so I turned to look but see no one.

Weird. Did I made mistake?

After that I return to the class..... things were normal.



'Sorry I can't walk you home I have to attend a pack meeting.' Hunter said and I told him that its okay.

I made my way back to my house... I started to walk in a normal pace, its getting dark already the sun is about to set..... the sky is a little red orange. Half way in my house where I was near the cementery, the wind is blowing a little, the leaves and grasses dances as the wind blows. I'm not cold or anything but I faintly shivered I felt someone presence again... Its not coming from my back but everywhere.

Okay. Someones really watching me theirs no way I'm wrong! 'Who's there?' I said and feel my sorrounding, concentrating; I sniff in the air... Nothing.

And then something hit me in my back... I saw a rock rolling in the ground then another rock was thrown at me and I dodge it. After a few second a black figure attack me and was about to be hit by a solid stick but I manage to catch it and was face to face with the dark figure.

It's a woman dress in all black.. I smirk at her and I pulled the weapon that she use to attack me and hit her fast not being able to dodge it... she screamed in pain 'Who are you?!' I ask then she thrust something in my stomach.

'Fucking bitch!' I cursed and out of fury I pierce the weapon in her chest but she tried to dodge it by stepping back so I miss her chest, she was stab in her side and back away from me... I itried to follow her but I stop and I check the injury that I just recieve...

It's a short blade, I pulled it out a little and notice what it is... 'Shit! Is this silver?' I muttered. I let go of it and leave it sticking in my stomach, blood will drop and leave traces but theirs really nothing to worry about since no one really walks in this path..

I went back to my house and went to the bathroom, I pull the blade out my stomach and it started to bleed. I covered it using a towel.

'Well... this sucks.'

I went back to my room and took something from the old cabinet and grab a clothes. I rip it into a bandage style then wrap it in my stomach. After taking care of it I layed in the bed to rest and sleep. The house is safe, no one can enter this place if your thinking of harming the owner.




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