Chapter XVI: Bonding with Lulu

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The drive to the Palace seemed especially long, given the trail of reporters chasing them on motorbikes. Aisha shrank into her seat, hoping the wide collar of her coat would hide her from view, quite forgetting that the windows of the car were completely tinted from the outside.

When they finally pulled into the Palace and the gates closed behind them, Aisha sat up straighter, heaving a sigh of relief. The door was opened, and when she made to grab her duffel bag, the attendant signalled for her to leave it. 

"Your things will be brought to your room, Ma'am," he said.

"Oh, thank you," said Aisha breathlessly, before shouldering her handbag and stepping into the foyer.

The first person she saw was Nick.

Stepping forward, he took her hand in his, and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. Though the gesture was controlled, given the number of staff surrounding them, Aisha still blushed.

"I'm so glad you're here," he said, looking relieved, "I'll have a lot more peace of mind knowing you're safe in the Palace, where no one can bother you."

"Thank you, Nick," murmured Aisha with a smile, "I hope it's not a bother for your family."

Nick scoffed.

"Of course not!" he said, "We have entirely too much space here."

"Hello, Aisha," said a soft, cultured voice beside him.

Aisha peeled her eyes away from Nick’s chiselled, handsome face, and saw the equally beautiful one of his sister smiling at her.

"Welcome," she said, kissing Aisha gently on the cheek. She seemed quite different from the flamboyant personality Aisha had seen at the birthday party.

"Once you're settled and rested, I would love for us to have a nice chat, and get to know each other better," she said. 

"Of course, Your Highness," said Aisha, her face flooding with colour.

"Please," smiled the Princess, "Call me Lulu."


The thought of spending time alone with her fiancé's sister was enough to make Aisha nervous. The fact that the sister in question was one of the most famous women in the UK- and the world- only served to make matters worse.

Aisha freshened up in the plush bathroom adjoining her bedroom, and then swung open the large, ornate wardrobe, looking at her clothes hanging neatly from their racks. What was one supposed to wear while getting to know a princess?

While selecting outfits and laying them out on the wide bed, Aisha's eye wandered around the room. Done up in pleasant, pastel shades, it was larger than her childhood bedroom, and much larger than her room at the flat. The pictures on the wall were probably older than her, as was the luxurious, ornately-carved furniture. Nevertheless, the room was filled with soft sunshine, and Aisha felt quite secure there.

Returning to her clothes with a sigh, she selected a lilac top to be worn with black trousers and nude heels. Not too formal, not too casual. She hoped she wouldn't be underdressed before the Princess- known to be one of the world's most stylish women.


An hour later, Aisha found herself with tears of laughter in her eyes.

Sitting in Lulu's private room, the pair of them were sprawled on the bed, a box of half-eaten pizza between them. Their heels lay abandoned on the floor, and they watched a romcom on the telly as they steadily made their way through the calories.

Lulu was just as fun as the tabloids said she was- and as down-to-earth as they didn’t. Maybe she was making an effort because Aisha was to marry her brother, or maybe the posh, sophisticated facade was a shield against the world, which was extremely curious about her- Aisha would probably never know. Nevertheless, she was glad that Lulu seemed easygoing, and was interesting to talk to.

The girl had a quiet confidence about her, as well, as an air that said don't mess with me. However, there was genuine kindness in her eyes- so like her brother's- yet often hidden from the world behind massive designer shades.

Lulu wanted to know everything- how Aisha and her brother first met, about Aisha's friends and family, about her job- Aisha found it rather like chatting with one of her girlfriends, and soon completely forgot she was in the company of a princess.

Lulu had a great sense of humour as well, and kept Aisha in splits. Hours passed, and they didn't even notice.

"I expect you'll be busy in the upcoming days, but let's do this again sometime," said Lulu with a warm smile as she walked Aisha to the door. 

Aisha gave her a hug, and her smile widened when she spotted a small collection of Enid Blyton books at Lulu's glamourous bedside before the door closed behind her. 

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