Chapter IX: Princess Lulu's Birthday

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Princess Matilda Louisa Victoria, dubbed 'Princess Lulu' by the press, was one of Britain's most fashionable women. Along with her mother, Queen Naomi, she set trends with everything she wore, no matter how simple or grand, and high street fashion brands were beside themselves with excitement, frantically producing replicas of their iconic outfits for the racing public.

Sporting a sharp bob that grazed her chiselled jawbone, her wide, cat-like eyes usually hidden by a massive pair of designer shades, Princess Lulu was Britain's It Girl. 

She had been closely watched by the press practically since the day she was born, with her pictures making the tabloids even before her milk teeth fell out. A few wild escapades during her university days that involved a group of rowdy friends and a particularly skimpy bikini had landed her in a bit of hot water, but she had since been scrupulously careful about her public image, despite occasionally breaking royal protocol with her more unconventional fashion choices.

A discreet black car with heavily tinted windows had been sent to pick Aisha up for the party, and she stepped carefully in, cautious of Aisha freshly styled hair and high heels. Natalie and Rose had practically turned the house into a spa, making her undergo manicures, pedicures, facials, and numerous hairstyle changes before they'd found her the right 'look.' Of course, Aisha had had her dress picked out already- a pretty little thing she had her eye on at work, made affordable by her employee discount.

She smoothed her hands down the fitted skirt of her dove grey dress, the silk shimmering ever so slightly in the dim interiors of the car. Ending at her knee, it passed for semi formal, although the silver gauze that covered her decolletage was slightly more dressy than she'd intended. The translucent material hinted at her curves, while keeping them respectfully veiled, according to royal protocol. She didn't want to offend anybody or seem out of place the very first time she met Nick's family.

On her feet were silver stilettos, adding a good few inches to her height. Encased in soft, grey satin, they were Aisha's favourite pair of shoes, simply because they were so understated, yet elegant. 

Her hair had been done in loose beach waves by Nat's expert fingers, and lay draped over Aisha's slim shoulder. She wore no accessories, except for a sparkling silver cocktail ring, and the steel kada or bangle that was a symbol of her Sikh faith, nestled safely under her long, translucent sleeve.

She watched the view from her window as they drove into the palace grounds, the busy roads giving way to manicured lawns and perfectly spruced trees. She'd carried her invitation and ID in her purse, just as Nick had instructed, and had it scrutinised by the guard at the gate before her name was ticked off a list, and she was waved through. 

She was helped out of the car by a nattily dressed footman, and guided into the palace. She'd visited it loads of times as a tourist, even bought one of the cheesy I ♡ the UK! badges from its little gift shop, but it was the first time she would be entering the royal family's private quarters, which were out of bounds for the general public.

Showing her ID and invitation once again at the door, she was let into a beautiful, sweeping ballroom done in shades of pale pink and forest green. She gasped softly, taking a moment to admire the sheer beauty of the room. With many small tables festooned with a vase of perfect pink Rose's that matched the room, elegant bottles of champagne, and the low thrum of classical music, it was exactly what she'd expected of a royal ballroom.

Nick was standing with his parents, deep in conversation with them. As if sensing her presence, he turned, and gave her a broad smile. Excusing himself, he walked over to her with an easy grace, dressed in the very outfit she had picked out for him at Elise Alva. His eyes smouldered as he took in her appearance, and she felt herself blush.

Leaning forward to brush his lips against her warm cheek, he murmured, "I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up. My presence was needed at a charity auction that Lulu was supposed to attend." 

"Why didn't she attend it?" asked Aisha, slightly breathless.

Nick's sensual lips quirked. "She had a pressing engagement," he said, stressing on the words, "I have no idea what it was, except that it was urgent enough to duck a charity auction for. I suspect we'll find out tonight." Exhaling, he gave Aisha an appreciative smile that filled her cheeks with heat. 

"Ready to meet my parents?" he asked.

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