Chapter XV: Breaking the News

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Aisha and Nick sat in the receiving room of the King and Queen’s private apartments, hands tightly locked between them. Aisha was dressed in a conservative, navy blue dress, accessorised with a pair of solitaire earrings and sleek nude pumps. When she needed confidence, she preferred to dress in formals- they made her feel the most powerful and self-assured.

She was extremely conscious of the ring that sparkled on her left hand- a long, rectangular champagne diamond bordered by many smaller white diamonds. It was one of the most famous rings in the UK- it was a priceless piece that had belonged to Nick’s grandmother’s personal collection. And now, it was hers.

Nick rubbed his thumb reassuringly across the back of Aisha’s hand. 

“Whatever happens, we’re in this together,” he murmured, brushing his lips against her cheek. 

As if on cue, a member of the royal staff entered the room. His solemn face and rigid posture only served to increase her anxiety.

“The King and Queen,” he announced.





“Nick, what’s going on?” whispered Aisha, peering out of her bedroom window, “There’s paparazzi everywhere! How am I supposed to go to work?”

There was a knock on the door. Aisha turned, and Rose poked her head in.

“Aish, I’m sorry, but we really need to get these reporters off our backs somehow,” she said, her face taut with anxiety, “They’re literally at our doorstep! How are we supposed to go to work? Plus, we’re out of milk.”

“Oh God,” groaned Aisha, “I’m so sorry, Rose, just give me a minute. I’m trying to sort it out. Nick?”

“Stay where you are, Aisha,” said Nick grimly, “Whatever happens, do not let anyone into your house.”

“What are you going to do?” asked Aisha nervously. The diamond on her finger was now the most talked-about piece of jewellery in the world, with its history being detailed on various news websites and blogs. There was a blurry picture of Aisha entering her apartment the previous night after her visit to the Buckingham Palace, surrounded by bodyguards. The ring was nothing more than a glitter on her finger, but the picture had been enlarged several times over, and splashed all over the Internet. It was madness.

“I’m going to get you out of there,” said Nick.


An hour later, Aisha stood at her window, watching a group of suited men fighting their way through the throng of journalists. The local police had been involved, too- they were blowing whistles frantically, doing their best to clear the crowd of journalists.

As she watched the group of bodyguards enter her building, Aisha picked up her duffel bag.

“Okay,” she said, turning to face her roommates, “Once they see me leave the building, they’ll most probably try to follow. Then you’ll be free to go to work. The building will have police protection 24x7. There’s still a chance that some journalists might try to trap you and ask you about me- don’t answer them. Don’t engage. And the police will ensure that no one gets close enough to touch you. Okay?”

“Oh, Aisha,” said Rose, holding her hand tightly, “Take care, please.”

Nat put her hands on Aisha’s shoulders. “Call us when you reach, okay? I feel terrible that you have to move out for our sake.”

“Just for a little while, till this circus dies down,” said Aisha, with more confidence than she felt, “I’ll be back soon.”

The doorbell buzzed, and she smiled.

“That’s my cue.”

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