Chapter XIII: The 'L' Word

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"So, what did you think of my family?" asked Aisha mischievously. She was lying on the bed in her childhood bedroom, talking to Nick on the phone. She had barricaded herself in her room to keep her younger siblings from barging in and attempting to hijack her conversation with Nick. She was quite sure they had their ears glued to the door.

"Your dad was initially a little...intimidating," admitted Nick frankly, "Especially when he made it clear that the British Raj in India is long over, and we are all free citizens living in the UK of our own volition." 

Aisha cringed. "Yeah, well… it tends to be a bit of a sore spot with the older Indians. He has nothing against you, personally."

"Yes, he was nice enough afterwards," conceded Nick, a smile in his voice, "He very enthusiastically showed me all the prizes you won while at school."

"Oh God," groaned Aisha, turning red with embarrassment at the memory, "My dad has no chill."

"No, it was cute," laughed Nick, "Looks like you were quite the brainiac."

"I wanted to be like Hermione Granger," confessed Aisha, hiding her face in her pillow, even though there was no one in the room.

Nick laughed. 

"And I didn't think it was possible for me to fall even deeper in love with you, but it looks like I just did," he admitted.

"In love?" asked Aisha, warm thrills running through her body at his choice of words.

"Yes, you silly girl. In love. I'm in love with you, Aisha Kaur Ahluwalia. Do you love me?" asked Nick, his voice ardent.

"Our relationship has been moving rather faster than I would have expected," admitted Aisha, "And yes, I care about you...very deeply. But if you don't mind, may I have a little think about love?"

Nick sighed softly. 

"Yes, I understand. This has been quite a whirlwind courtship. But I assure you, my feelings for you are anything but fickle."

"Thank you, Nick," said Aisha sincerely, "I truly believe that."

There was a pause, and Aisha wished she were with Nick, so she could hold his hand, or look into his warm eyes.

"I've been thinking," began Nick.

"Yes?" asked Aisha, unable to keep the smile out of her voice.

"Would you like to go away with me, next weekend?" asked Nick tentatively, "We both lead such busy lives, I feel like we hardly have any time alone together, you know, to properly get to know each other. I would love for you to come away with me for the weekend, so it can be just us, with no interruptions. What do you say?"

"Oh," replied Aisha, the blush creeping back up her cheeks, "Um, wow. I've never done something like that before."

"Would you be open to it?" asked Nick, sounding hopeful, "I assure you, my intentions are nothing but honourable. Scout's honour."

Aisha laughed. 

"Yes, Nicholas," she replied, "I would love to go away with you for the weekend."

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