✨Chapter 5✨

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You could say your brother kept that promise, to some extent.

(Y/n), now in her fourth year, was again, hiding in the owlery from her brother.

"Why?" you might ask. Well, turns out it's no longer just her brother who she was hiding from.

"(Y/n), we know you're in there!" Said your dear best friend, Draco Malfoy. "Open the door before we are forced to break our way in!"

Well, you lived a good life.

Since Harry couldn't exactly keep Malfoy away, he resorted to just teaming up with him to keep you away from the assholes who actually meant you harm and boys. They still don't get along much, but when certain topics come up, they become a force not to be reckoned with.

The duo had just recently discovered that you had been dating one of the fifth years for a few months, and were understandably trying to scold you for it. Sure, you had never meant to hide your relationship, but in your defense, they never asked.

"No! You're going to murder the poor guy!" you yelled from the window. You had taken your broom when you heard they knew, making sure to have an escape route for this exact situation.

"I'd promise that we wouldn't, but you know I don't appreciate lying as much as my little sister, apparently," Harry said, already trying to force the handle open. You gripped your broom and stood on the window opening. This was going to cost you so many house points...

"You idiot, we have magic! Move over" You were a step away from flight when the blond cast a spell and the door flew open. You immediately took to the sky and flew for a few seconds before a red figure soared right past you.

Crap! He had Quidditch practice today?! Since when?!

You both flew in circles for a while until Harry caught the hem of your coat and pulled you backwards, yelling a quick "Gotcha!" before enveloping you in a choke hold. You squirmed in his arms for a while, trying your hardest to get air in your lungs before passing out.

Now, any normal, sane person would have given up and stopped resisting.

However, you are not Harry Potter's little sister for nothing.


Draco had ran down the stairs and rushed outside as soon as he saw you take flight. He kept his eyes trained the blurs in the sky, keeping up with the wild goose chase. Suddenly, he saw Harry catch a hold of you and released a breath he had no idea he was holding.

In all honesty, he just wanted to know what this "boyfriend" of yours had that he didn't. He had been pinning over you for the past four years and you obviously had to take after your brother's obliviousness.

"The Potter He Likes" Draco Malfoy X Potter Reader (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now