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It was a dark and stormy night that of October 31st, yet one house was just as lively as it had always been. The Potter's home had always had that warm and familiar feeling to it, making it stand out from most homes in their area.

Godric's Hollow was an isolated house, hidden from the sight of one of the most evil wizards in history. A man that showed no mercy to those that wouldn't turn over to his side, or those who he deemed unworthy of their place on this earth. The infamous Lord Voldemort.

That night, information had been spilled to the Dark Lord of the place where his potential enemy slept soundly, oblivious to the harm that would soon come to him. At least that is what the Dark Lord thought.

As Peter ran through the rain in fear, one thought crossed his mind. I Fucked Up.

He ran, ran, and kept on running until he got to his destination. Godric's Hollow, a house of three wonderful people who he had just betrayed. The guilt ate him up inside as he opened the door to the inside, quickly yelling for everyone's attention.

"Wormtail, we heard you the first five times you yelled, I think we got the message," said James Potter, a wizard in his early twenties with untamable black hair. "Lily was putting Harry to sleep, what's got you so rattled up that you had to barge into my house and scream in terror like a little girl?" he asked in a chuckle. James had always been to kind to him.

"He's coming for Harry. Gather everyone now! "The rat faced man warned. James's face immediately fell and turned serious. He quickly went over to a mirror hanging on the wall and tapped loudly three times. Only seconds later did a man with long, wavy hair appear in the mirror, looking awfully tired for someone his age.

"What is it James? I was having my beauty sleep" Sirius talked groggily. He and James were as inseparable as glue, but didn't Sirius absolutely hate when his friend would wake him up from his sleep.

"Get the Order here as fast as magically possible, Pads. Moldy Voldy is coming and I don't think it will end well without all of us here," James said seriously through the mirror. "I'll get Dumbledore here as fast as I can as well"

Sirius's face fell almost instantaneously, feeling a dark pit I his stomach.

"Give me five minutes and we'll all be there"

"I'm counting on it"

Peter stood in the background, filling Lily in on what was happening. She went to grab her wand but, suddenly, a thought crept into her mind, and boy did she not like it.

"Peter, how do you know about all this?"

Her voice rang in the house and everyone went silent. Peter froze in a panic as he looked for the right words to use, but eventually, was caught off by a punch to his jaw.

"You ratted us out, didn't you?!" James yelled in anger, trembling slightly at the thought of his friend having broken the trust they had put on him.

"I am so sorry James! But what other choice did I have?!"

"I don't know, maybe not telling The Dark Lord where we live, like we agreed to do?!"

"I would have died if I did that!"

"Well congratulations, because now we are all in danger of dying because you couldn't keep your bloody mouth shut!"

"I'm so sorry James! I was scared for my life and couldn't think straight when he asked me to join-"

"You joined the death eaters?!"

"The Potter He Likes" Draco Malfoy X Potter Reader (unedited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant