✨Chapter 6✨

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The next few days had Draco sick to his stomach. Now that they both knew about your "relationship" (as Harry calls it), it apparently meant that snogging each other in public was now allowed.

Of course, Harry tried to stop it multiple times, but not even he could deal with the amount of points that the ravenclaw boy would take away for trying to "get in the way". The slightest move and Anthony Goldstain would send a killer glare their way, not even letting them talk to you as often.

"Anthony, stop" you scolded him playfully when he tried to mess up your hair.

"All I'm saying is that braids look good on you; I don't see why you don't do them often" replied your boyfriend.

"Stop! It just isn't my style" you laughed while you wrote down your notes from the potions book.

"Well I think they fit you perfectly, (y/n)" he says while he leans in and kisses your cheek, making you roll your eyes playfully and chuckle, a slight blush tinting your cheeks.

Draco glared at Anthony from the other side of the table. This was supposed to be your study date together, in no place had he signed up for this... mushiness. Draco lets out a groan and goes back to his book.

Why does he get to kiss you in the cheek when he's been walking on eggshells the full three and a half years to just be your friend?!

Draco would never admit it, but he was jealous. He was jealous that he couldn't hold your hand, or snuggle up and cuddle, or... kiss. Oh how deeply he wishes he could just kiss you and confess, but life was never so easy, now was it?

"Draco, do you know the answer to number five? I'm pretty sure that a draught of peace only needs five porcupine quills, but I'm not sure..." you ask your friend, almost catching him off guard.

"It's just four- ""Actually, princess, you only need four quills for the potion" answered the annoying blond beside you.

"oh, thank you honey" you smiled.

Oh, how he wishes he could just punch him.


"So? How was studying with my sister and the prick?" asked Harry, walking back from quidditch practice with the blond.

"A complete and utter disaster" Draco groaned. "between all of the kissing and general mushiness of the both of them, I also had to withstand him talking over me whenever I tried to explain a topic she asked about! He purposefully made me look like an idiot!"

"Wow... was it really that bad?" the raven looked over Draco, pitying him. "That must have been... an experience"

"The Potter He Likes" Draco Malfoy X Potter Reader (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now