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Hey everyone! 

First of all, I want to thank each and every one of you guys for reading my story. When I first started writing it I could have never imagine it reaching as many views as it did.

No but seriously, 1.2k views?! When I tell you that I was surprised, take it with a grain of salt because that is a grave understatement. 

Now, to explain why I have not posted a new chapter in so long is for a few reasons: 

1. These past few months I went back to school, and a lot has happened between me and my friends and family that made me not want to write. 

If you check my profile, you can see that I posted a few chapters or short stories in the last few months, but all of them fall under one of two categories: I already had them written and wanted to post them to get them out of my chesto or they were a school project I felt proud of. 

2. I was kind of running out of ideas. Yeah, six chapters in and I was already losing creativity TvT 

Unfortunately, this is due to the multiple hyper-fixations I had in the past months to distract me from the mess that happened with my family and friends, so you could say I had a massive writters block. 

3.  I was falling out of the fandom. Instead of representing joy and freedom, because of recent events the world of Harry Potter slowly turned into a reminder of a bunch of my mistakes. So I started losing interest in it. 

Now, having explained all of that, I can proudly say that I am slowly gaining interest for this book again! I had already written half of the seventh chapter, so you can expect than between the next few hours it should be up for reading!

I am greatly thankfull for all of your patience and support. I have been wanting to get back to the book purely to be able to keep up to your guy's standard, so I hope that the next chapter will be to your satisfaction jsjs

I do need to re-read the series to pick up where I left off, so I hope you can be patient with me for just a little longer. I promise to try and post more often. 

Getting all of that out of the way, I was thinking of making a separate book of one-shots for multiple characters of Harry Potter, KNY, BNHA, etc etc, so if any of you guys have any requests for short stories I will be posting a single chapter where you can leave them down in the comments! Do keep in mind that there are multiple things I still need practice writing with, so if it seems awkward in comparison to my other writings I promise it will only be until I get the hand of the topic.

Thank you all for reading this and supporting the book, I apreciate every single one of you guys! 

Yours truly, the author. 

"The Potter He Likes" Draco Malfoy X Potter Reader (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now