As he took a step forward to her, she did the same. And with every stretch of her legs, she felt her heart beat slightly faster. Badum badum badum. The racing in her chest overwhelmed her, so much to the point that when they met in the middle, Chris needed to inhale a deep breath to steady herself.

"Hey," she felt his breath fan over her face, making her hyper-aware of how close they were.

As he pulled his lips back into his stunning smile, the sun appeared. It might have been a coincidence, but she wasn't sure of that.

Through the windows, the glorious rays cast a shimmery veil of orange and gold over the side of his face. But she knew the glow of his skin wasn't due to the sun.

She wondered what it was like to have light inside.

"You ready?" he asked, a slight pant in his tone.

Chris's breathing hitched as she watched him.

He was just so warm. Every word that fell past his lips, every gesture he made, every look he gave burned her on the inside.

Warmth, she realised, was something she never cherished, never considered important. Besides, she'd been void of it her whole life.

But here was this man who had such an abundance of it, handing it on a golden platter to every person who walked past.

"Yes!" she shuffled to the side, "If you don't mind, I just want to return my key tag to the reception, you know, officially get off work."

"Oh, of course," he slipped his hands into the pockets of his black slacks, "I'll wait right here."

Once she stepped away from the man, a huge breath left her. The last time she'd fallen in love was so different from this. So different.

Last time she didn't feel terrified. She wasn't scared about the other person reaching deep down into her soul, planting his very own seeds of marigold in every corner. She wasn't terrified that he watered those seeds with every smile, with every laugh, with every word to the point that the garden of him in her heart would outgrow the fence around it. That it would be on display for the world to see, for him to see.

She wasn't afraid of falling before.

"We have a seat on the veranda," Chris said after regaining her composure and walking over to her friend, "Special treatment."

His smile seemed to shine brighter. How was that possible?

"Great! You lead the way."

"How was your day?" she asked as they began their journey to the restaurant.

"It was the best, honestly," he sighed, "The boys came over, and we hung out. It really meant a lot, you know, them all taking the day off for me."

"That's sweet, what did you guys get up to?"

"Just the usual, we played video games for a while and watched movies. I think they also came over to spend time with my dad, you know because—anyway, overall, it was amazing."

They finally reached the eatery, Chris patting the waiter on the shoulder before guiding Hoseok to the veranda where only one table was placed.

"Is it only us here?"

"Like I said; special treatment," she grinned at him before making her way to the table.

He bet her to her seat, however, casually pulling the chair back for her to sit on.

"Oh— thanks," she cleared her throat, trying to find interest in the stitches of the table cloth to hide the blush undoubtedly smudging her cheeks.

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