Breach in Reality and the Birth of a Sorceress

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(With Madoka)

The former Phantom Task agent was in terrible shape. Having been knocked out by a hydraulic fist and woke up naked in a freezing concrete cell with a bucket, no bed, and food that should be killed with fire. That's not forgetting she's in a country known for killing prisoners, in a world where men now hate or at the very least, are weary of women and are homosexual. And even if she did get out, the land itself will kill her. She was fucked. That's when she heard the solid steel door opened, with a high ranking officer marching in and closing it behind him with a bag. He threw it to her.

?????: Put them on.

The girl was quick to put on the brown prison fatigues, with some shred of dignity returning. She still didn't have shoes, but at least her private areas were once again private.

?????: I never approved of Vladmir's treatment of prisoners.

Madoka: T-This isn't normal?

?????: No, believe it or not, the IS didn't mean much in our homeland. Men and woman were already in a stable family unit. A cursed machine won't change that. While I apologize for the pointless treatment... I am well aware of what you've done.

Madoka: I swear I was drunk... and following orders.

?????: You're slated to face the gunners tonight either way. We just want avoid the brutality of our predecessors... there were many things the previous Union did that were unacceptable.

Madoka: Huh... so I'm going to die? Guess a bitch like me had it coming.

?????: Good, you're my favorite kind of prisoner. No screaming or other nonsense. Makes things run smoothly. Since you gave no resistance or disruption while you were contained, you will be allowed to ask five questions and get honest answers. Whatever they are will not matter since you won't live to tell anyone.

Madoka: Why did that last guy treat women that way?

?????: He's among the many people of Russia who lost family when an IS pilot went rogue and decided to go on a killing spree. She primarily targeted men, especially those who single, and used her machine to pin them down and torture them. His son was among those people. Fortunately she was killed, but the damage was done. The vast majority of Russia was unaffected, but many became bitter and hateful. Even many women considered the IS an affront to gender equality after that.

Madoka: So that's why he hated me... I killed a lot of people... but physical torture is not my taste. So why do you treat me so nicely?

??????: I take pride in the Neosoviet Union for not inheriting the brutality of the last one. I feel it's my duty to ensure our prisons are at least considered humans. I take no pleasure in inflicting pain. My duty is to ensure you are contained and coherent enough to interrogate and understand your execution.

Madoka: Huh... so who's winning the war?

?????: The capitalists, we haven't made any serious advancements lately. The continued airstrikes are ripping us apart, and we can't get anywhere near the US. Their carriers are ridiculous, and we still haven't recovered from the White Knight incident. Adding in their power armor and combat androids, we're not going to win. That's not mentioning their new Hellfire Thrower.

Madoka: So how am I gonna die?

????: Firing squad.

Madoka: Glad to see you're nice enough to spend bullets on me.

?????: Final question?

Madoka: What's going to happen if they find that kid? Ichika Orimura.

??????: I honestly can't say. Our orders are to confiscate his IS and contain him as nonviolently as possible. He didn't seem like a bad kid, I'm sure he'll be fine. We're on non hostile terms with Japan, so he would likely be sent there. I personally am concerned about how he will deal with him now being the preferred bachelor of both genders, especially if he's as mentally shattered as Shinonono implied. It's already decided he's not to be put under Chifuyu Orimura's custody.

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