Phantom Task and The Third World War

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(Paris, Six Months After Tabane left)
A blonde haired woman in a tattered red dress and tennis shoes was hiding a cellar with a younger version of Chifuyu and an orange haired teenage girl. All three looked filthy and were exhausted.

????: Squall, what are we going to do?! It's obvious we can't stay in France anymore! Russia will have all of Europe by next week!

Squall: Autumn, shut the hell up. I don't know what to do and I need to think.

Madoka: Damn that fucking rabbit bitch. She did this.

Autumn: What does she have to do with this M?

M: Ever heard of MAD? It means no one can start a large scale war without a nuke getting shot over their border. She destroyed all the nukes that kept world peace and took away the IS. Figures a dumb bitch whose life career was to eat out other women wouldn't know that.

Squall: I said shut the HELL up Madoka! Can you not piss off every damn person you meet long enough to let me hear myself think? Autumn, please do the same.

They finally settled down.

Squall: Thank you. It's obvious only a few places is truly safe and tolerable... and that's the Americas, UK, or Japan. China is in a civil war, Russia is drafting everyone of fighting age, Europe is becoming part of the Neosoviet Union, Africa fell back into chaos when someone carpet bombed all the industrial centers, and everywhere else is fighting their own wars. And to be honest, women are treated shit in the US now anyway. Especially after someone uncovered a scheme to legalize enslavement of the male gender. They're on the verge of a civil war anyway.

Madoka: You know they won't let us in. We're international criminals. Any skills we have were for a technology that no longer exist.

Autumn: Turns out we have seven other members coming here to meet up with us.

Squall: Ten people, we don't have enough supplies for even a week.

Madoka: Face it, we're done. I don't know why the rabbit slut just disappeared like that, WITH her robot law enforcement, but she fucked everyone over.

Autumn: We need to somehow bring back Ichika.

Madoka: That weak pretty boy? He caused this whole thing with his fucking tantrum.

Squall: You have a point. Tabane started this whole thing over her his disappearance. Retrieving him might give us room to negotiate.

Madoka: And how are we going to find him?

Squall: My IS was horribly damaged just before the incident. It was disabled to the point the core no longer generated energy. If his IS was capable of inter dimensional travel, mine probably still has the ability as well if it can get enough power.

Madoka: I can't believe the world took a load down its throat over just one fucking guy. And what if we do bring him back?

Autumn: That stupid rabbit took away my ability to serve Squall without gagging. I remember Ichika from when I was a little girl. He was a really nice boy. I wouldn't have lived through that monsoon seven years ago if it weren't for him giving me a bed and home for two months. His sister never came home once.

Squall: Oh Autumn... if you told me he was a friend, I would have never kidnapped him.

Autumn: So if we can't be together directly... he can be our medium. I was already really fond of him, becoming straight only turned it into love.

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