The Little Brother and The Festival

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(With Ichika)
Zeal wasted no time befriending his savior.

Zeal: Are you from around here Sir?

Ichika: No, I'm from a far eastern land known as Japan. And just call me Ichika.

Zeal: WOW! That's cool! Do they have any of that angel armor?

Ichika: No, my armor is one of a kind. Not a single other like it on this world. At least that I know of.

Zeal: So are you here for the festival?

Ichika: Festival?

Zeal: Yeah! The dragon festival celebrates the defeat of the knight eating dragon.

Ichika: I haven't heard of it. I merely was exploring and saw you getting attacked.

Zeal: I really want to go, but you need to have a partner with a magical power or item. No one is willing to take me, and my big sister Guila is a busy holy knight and won't take me. Can you please take me?

Ichika: What do you do?

Zeal: It's basically a massive party with a secret activity to the people who win the most games.

Ichika: Well, I guess there is no harm in taking you.


Ichika looked around and saw various colorful striped tents the size of houses with different games in each one. The festival was obviously quite busy as people lined up to play games. Ichika was lost... he had no idea what to try first.

Zeal: Hey Ichika, want to try archery?

Ichika: Sure.

They walked over to a gold and purple tent with an old woman next to an archery range.

Ichika: Mind if I have a try?

Old Lady: If you want to, you look a bit skinny for a long bow though. Only trained archers have effectively used them.

Ichika grabbed a bow a only few inches shorter than him and put an arrow on. He then, with great difficulty, drew the string back and prepared to fire and shot. The arrow hit the bullseye.

Old Lady: You're the first boy your age able to shoot that bow, much less hit the bullseye. Impressive.

Zeal: That was awesome Ichika!

Ichika: Thanks. What game is next?
(One Hour Later)
Ichika and Zeal were watching a puppet show of the knight Sir Vacuri slaying an acid spewing dragon. Ichika was really bored due the poor effects of the play, because it WAS the medieval ages. He was also cold as the area was colder than his old country. He was happy that Zeal was having so much fun though... even if the festival smelled like a hundred people died there. No really good hygiene.

Zeal: Go on Sir Vacuri! Slay that mean dragon!

The pathetic puppet then poked the stuffed dragon with a stick and it flipped over before squirting fruit juice on the ground and "died".

Zeal: Yay!

Ichika was on the verge of falling asleep when Zeal took his hand.

Zeal: So what do you want to do next?

Ichika: I heard of a secret activity for if you can find something called a lapis kris. There's only twenty in the festival.

Zeal: That's Sir Vacuri's sword!

The small boy then dragged Ichika into a forest.

Ichika: Is this where it is supposed to be?

Zeal: Yeah! This is also where the dragon died!

Ichika SnapsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora