The Battle and Older Sister

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(In a Grass Field)

A blue flash covered the field as Markerier zapped in with Ichika and Zeal. On both sides of the field were several stands, covered in knights with all sorts of different colored armors and weapons, some of which don't even exists in his world. There was even a knight that basically looked like a giant Jawa in orange platemail with maracas for weapons. Most looked quite bewildered at the sight of Zeal. A man in a purple shirt with a collar thick enough to have required an entire sheep walked to end of the field which had a wooden platform before holding a blue sphere in his hand. He then began speaking with the volume of a microphone, but without the high pitched hum that normally happens.

????: A good morning to you all! My name Walter Eisenwald. No one listens to five hour speeches, so let's get on with it. Now to begin our tournament... even if we only have one match. Anything to say competitors?


Walter: Would one of our knights kindly lend him a sword!?

????: He's just a kid!

???: That vampire will tear him apart!

????: Here!

A knight in blue armor threw a short sword that Ichika somehow caught.

Ichika: Thank you!

???: Don't mention it!

Ichika handed the blade to Zeal.

Ichika: Try and stay back, we don't know how strong or fast the vampire will be. The moment it runs at us, get under my arm and we'll fly above it.

Zeal: Got it.

Both could feel a weak heat wave coming off the right side of the field.
(With Guila)
Guila was not in anyway happy, and was glowering in the stand, which was now mostly empty from her overwhelming explosion magic heating up everything nearby. Her brother was alongside a stranger in a death match with a vampire. The said stranger was wearing normal clothes, but his demeanor and stance was foreign. His features screamed easterner, but he seemed to be quite fluent in Britanic. He seemed too... clean. He looks like he hasn't ever worked a field or any form of labor. Even nobility was more weathered than him. He was obviously slightly uncomfortable in the temperature, but seemed otherwise focused. The strangest thing, he seemed quite friendly to Zeal, even planning to hold him in battle to keep him from the vampire's reach. Most male easterners were incredibly brisk and pushy if not outright hostile. Yet he gave off an air innocence that actually was comparable to that of a small child, his handsome boyish features only drove that further. Guila slapped herself for gawking at a man while her brother was in extreme danger. She wasn't allowed to intervene until one of the two are injured and want to pull out. Simple. She'd make sure Zeal pulled out after he took a few scratches.

That's when she saw the vampire of the match get pulled in on a cart, in a very tight position. The vampire had long ragged white hair and crimson eyes, with her mouth gagged with a scold bridle and her limbs bound in enchanted cuffs that were pegged to a large wooden board standing upright in the cart. The cart was pulled by black horses in steel armor with four guards in iron gray platemail surrounding it. The creature looked as if she hadn't eaten in days with her skin a very unhealthy tint of gray with a tattered green robe. The woman would be beautiful were it not for her body being in a starved state. Guila, deep down, felt some pity for the creature. Alas, holy knights aren't supposed to show any sentient creature of an enemy origin any mercy. She was shocked to see a look of disgust and horror on the stranger's face, even though the East is rumored to have some of the most horrid, depraved methods of torture known to the mortal realm. This boy really is an anomaly.
(With Ichika)
Ichika: I can't believe that they would do that to someone! What did she do?

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