Recovery and the Change

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(With Ichika)
Ichika was bored. If there was anything he hated more than violence, it was having to lay in a bed for three hours because of said violence. At least both Kriegsburg siblings were keeping him company. Zeal to clean the house, and Guila to ensure he didn't run off. His IS was on the dresser behind said holy knight, rendering his get out of jail free card useless.

Ichika: Look, I'm not hurting anymore. Can I leave now?

Guila: No, your body is heavily taxed from having to repair so much damage in so little time without magic.

Zeal: Please Ichika.

Ichika: Fine.

Guila: Now, what exactly happened on your little outing with the sewer mouth?

Ichika: You don't need to call her that.

Guila: I will give her titles I see befitting of her foul vocabulary until she changes.

Ichika: We basically were discussing differences in our world, what elves were like, and how alchemy worked.

Guila: I see. So there was no romantic interaction?

Ichika: Aside from preparing to have sex, no.

Guila: That's a relief. I was worried you lost one of your firsts to her.

Ichika: Were you... jealous?

Guila gained a large blush.

Guila: No, I believe a gentleman like yourself should lose his virginity to a lady. A true lady shouldn't need to be brash, she should be able entice her love to make the move first. I was worried you'd get into an abusive relationship. It's quite common for female elves to kidnap human children and raise them as slave lovers due to the issue of them having few males. Given your inability to defend yourself and naivety to elf behavior, you were quite vulnerable to that possibility, you are still just a teenage boy after all.

Ichika: I don't think Freya would do that.

Guila: You didn't see the near animalistic lust in her eyes. The moment you got behind closed doors, you would have been attacked. Elves are extremely dangerous. They may seem like humans, but each tribe has completely different psychology compared to a human. They are aroused differently, think differently, and function differently.

Ichika: Isn't that humanity in a nutshell?

Guila: Yes, but on a much more meaningful level. It isn't something easy to explain. And I need one more favor from you.

Ichika: Yes Guila?

Guila: When in presence of other knights or any one else of authority, I need you to call me Lady Guila. It's not a law, but an official courtesy that would make you look much better to other knights.

Ichika: Lady Guila? I think it suits you, my lady.

Guila blushed again and got up.

Guila: It's about time for me to get my new sword and pack for the capital. I'll be leaving at dawn. I trust you understand this town enough to keep out of trouble until I return.

Ichika: You talk like I'm a ten year old.

Guila: In a way, you're much more innocent and naive than anyone else I've met. Including Zeal.

Zeal: Hey! I'm not innocent!

Guila: Zeal, I want you to ensure our guest doesn't leave his bed until he is fit, understood?

Zeal gave a cute salute, which he realized actually came from some knights using it to raise their visor as a sign of friendliness, and proceeded to brace his broom in his hands like a pole arm and stood tactically by the door. Guila smiled.

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