13. [30DWC - June 2020] Day 3 : Paris-Kihyun

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Today's the fifth day of your anniversary trip to Paris. Your boyfriend, Kihyun, has planned out pretty much everything.

From where we could go everyday, things you could do or what you could eat. Not to mention, your so-called "young flexer" of a boyfriend brought an abundance amount of money for you and him to spend together.

Anyways, for today, Kihyun had decided to let you pick on what to do until the late afternoon. Since, he said he has booked a table for two somewhere fancy, which he wouldn't say where exactly. You started thinking on what to do.

"Why don't we just walk around the city, sit in a cafe somewhere, maybe visit a bookstore. And then, buy a bottle of wine, and watch the sunset from the hotel's balcony? How does that sound?" You asked.

Kihyun had predicted this kind of request from you, of course. You're the type of traveller who would rather spend one of the days acting like a local. But since he gave you the freedom to choose on what to do today, he could only agree, adapting to how you would spend a day in Paris.

"Sure, jagi," he said while still cuddling you.

"We should probably get out of bed," you said, "I'm showering first."

He then chuckled, "You know, showering together is always an option. What do you think?"

"I don't see why not," you giggled. You then felt his plump lips pressed on yours for a moment before he went to the bathroom. Showering was pretty normal. Even though Kihyun couldn't get his eyes or hands off of you, you managed to make him stop and actually shower.

And so, here you are, walking side by side with Kihyun with no specified destination. Passing bakeries, flower shops, cafes, tattoo parlors, thrift shops, and book shops.

Everything feels so exciting, yet calming. Walking through the streets of Paris is truly a dream for you. It's not like you've never been here before, but it's because you're here with the one you love the most.

You two shared conversations and laughs along the way, making him realise that his decision to love you a few years ago was the right one.

Walking around was surely interesting, but your feet were beginning to hurt. And so, you two decided to sit somewhere. The both of you ended up sitting in a cafe. Sipping from your own cups of americano and cappuccino while reading. You were pretty invested in the classical novel that you had managed to slip into your bag earlier, while Kihyun was busy with his phone.

"Bored aren't you?" You asked him without taking your eyes off of the pages. You then closed your book, placing it on the table. Your eyes met his, letting him know that you're looking forward to hearing the answer.

"Well, this isn't how I typically spend my time abroad," he said, "but, I'm starting to understand why you like these things. It's refreshing."

"It is. Especially when our jobs are tiring," you said.

An idea then struck into your head, "Wanna go to a bookstore?"

"Yeah sure," he simply agrees.

You two then continue walking around town. Since it's after lunch time, you didn't think much about eating. Paris was a relatively lovely town and you finally finished walking around the big streets.

You checked the time and realized that it's almost 4pm. Remembering the fact that Kihyun had made a reservation somewhere you don;t know and you have plans to do before that dinner, you suggest to Kihyun to start heading back now, getting wine from whichever liquor shop that you found on the way. And of course, Kihyun agreed.

He then took your hand in his and started walking back together. Since your destination is now pretty clear, google maps finally get to do some work, leading you back to the hotel in only 45 minutes including the time you both spent in the liquor shop. You heard Kihyun close the door behind him as you set the wine on the table.

Taking two wine glasses from the cabinets, you placed it near the drink and opened the bottle itself.

You poured an appropriate amount of wine to both of the glasses and brought it to the balcony, where Kihyun is now. Taking one of the glasses from your hand, he said, "Thankyou, jagi." He then shifted his sitting position and pulled you closer to his lap, making you sit on it.

You two then started watching the huge star slowly sinking to the other sides of earths. You leaned on his chest, sipping your wine once in a while. Little did you know that the level of tension and anxiousness in his heart was gradually climbing up.

"Okay, yeah, this can't wait," Kihyun suddenly said out of nowhere. He gestured to you to stand up and took your glass from your hand.

"Hey! I'm not finished with that," you whined.

"That can wait," he said as he put his next to yours. His hand then went to his pockets and pulled out a small blue velvet box. Your mouth was slightly agape as you figured out what's inside. He dropped to one knee in-front of you and opened the box in-front of you, as if presenting what's inside. It was beautiful.

The sparkling rock was beautifully trapped around the settings. It wasn't too big or small. It's the perfect size. And as said before,, the diamond ring, you loved it.

"I'd list every small and big thing that I love about you, but even if the world ran out of trees to make paper, it wouldn't be enough. So, anyways, I figured that this is a good place to ask you this question. Even though I planned to put the ring in your glass of champagne like how Toby McGuire's spiderman did it. I figured that it would be totally embarrassing if you say "no", and also, it's pretty dangerous if you think about it. But, mostly it's because I can't wait. So, Kim Y/N, will you marry me?"

You couldn't possibly answer the question. Euphoria has totally taken over your motor skills. And for a second, you even forgot how to talk. You could only smile. You walked closer to him and cupped his face. You kissed his lips for a short while and moved back.

"Is that a yes?" he asked again with a strike of hope in his eyes.

"You're so extra sometimes," you said lowly with a smile, "Yes."

He then wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up, spinning you gently. Placing the ring on your finger, he kissed you deeply and hugged you tightly.

"Oh fuck, I love you," he whispered.

You lightly kissed his neck, "I love you, too."


Word count: 1137 words

A/N: Ik it's kinda cringey and tbh I'm not that satisfied with the proposal speech.. but like, welpp, here it iss!!

And I'm sorry I'm a few mins late, but as usual, thanku for reading!! Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!!

Thanku uwu.


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