29. [30DWC] Day 19 : Library-Changkyun

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If you were being completely honest, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. You wouldn't be sitting here, in one of the corners of the library beside him and studying. It's not that you're careless about your studies, in-fact, you're in the top 20 of the whole university.

The only reason you agreed to be here is because Changkyun, your best friend, had asked you to join him in his study session in the library, or maybe accompany him through the night.

And of course at first you said, "no." Obviously, since you're done with your school work and you could've usd your spare time to sleep or hangout with your other friends. Not that you have many other friends beside him, Minhyuk, and Jooheon, and hanging out with Minhyuk or Jooheon would definitely mean that you won't be resting at all, so, sleeping or reading it is then. But, Changkyun promised to buy you coffee and treat you for lunch tomorrow if you agreed on keeping him company through the night. He practically begged for you to study with him in the library.

He even used those cute puppy eyes of his.

And at the end, you said yes after confirming the bonuses. "Fine! Just don't forget about the caramel macchiato and lunch tomorrow," you said.

"I swear, I won't. Meet you there at 8, okay? I'll text you the location of the table later, okay?" he said.

And so, here you are, standing in-front of the huge building in your campus area. Changkyun told you that he'll be there by 7:40, so he should be somewhere in there by now, since it's 7:56 p.m.

You look forward to scolding him if he isn't in there but his text says otherwise. That he's in there, sitting somewhere on the second floor, near the reference section. So, now you found yourself walking up the huge staircase to the second floor. Your eyes searched for the reference section and you found them near the corner of the room. Next to the shelves were tables. Where you found Changkyun sitting alone, as if he's reserving the whole table to himself.

You approached the fellow, greeting him lowly as you sat on the chair beside him, "Hey you."

"Hi," he said, looking at you. "Ok, now you can do whatever you want as long as you're not making any noise and getting the both of us kicked out."

"Stop telling me what to do. I know how to behave in a library. It's in my second hoe list. I'm just gonna complete that power point for Thursday," you snapped as you took your laptop out, gently placing it in front of you.

"Okay, sheesh," you heard him mutter as he proceeded to continue his work. You turned on your laptop, pressed in the password and opened the file that you need, which includes the powerpoint and your digital notes. You proceeded to do your work, fixing the inaccuracies and grammatical errors. Little did you know that someone has been stealing glances at you. Of course it's him! The one sitting beside you. Who else? Even someone had already turned off the lights on the second floor. Changkyun tried so hard to focus until he finally decided to put on his earphones, hoping that music could distract him from you. And thankfully, it did.

A few moments passed by until you realized that it's almost 11. You have 4 slides left to review and you were delighted that you were close to done. Your fingers clicked on the slides, making it bigger and letting you revise it. You fixed the mistakes you found, and continued to check through the next slides. Thankfully, you found no more misconceptions on the last three.

And so, after making the thankyou slide, you saved the file and turned off your laptop.

"You're done?" he asked after noticing that you turned off your laptop.

"Mhm," you answered while sliding your laptop into its case. You set it in-front of you before resting your arms on the table.

"Wake me up when you're finished, kay?" you said before burying your head in your arms and falling asleep. Changkyun replied to you but you were already gone to hear what he said. He then stares at your features. Your closed eyes, your nose, your lips. He finally stops, realizing that it would be weird if he keeps staring.

He then realized that you came here without a jacket or some sort, and so he took his off and draped it over your shoulders, being careful not to wake you up and letting the fabric cover your upper body.

"Thank you," he whispered as he got back to work.


Word count: 789 words

A/N: OMG hii! I'm sorry for the delay of updates.. I was out all day yesterday. So, here it is!!

Ppl are going on tests season these times so fighting!!

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