10. Subway Stranger-Minhyuk

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As unusual as today is, today is my day off. That means that I have absolutely nothing to do. No plans, no tasks, nothing, nada. And to be frank, this feels weird. My days were usually filled with 101 different tasks to do, and a break with nothing to do just doesn't feel right. But, I guess, I'll have to use it to rest as much as I can. Or maybe just relax.

And so, my plans were made. I've decided to put on some casual clothes, and just walk around Seoul, wherever the wind takes me, and maybe sit down in a cafe to read while drinking hot cappuccino or caramel macchiato.

That sounds like an ideal Saturday for me, personally.

So, here I am, walking down to the subway station, wearing a white tee, beige skirt, brown plaid blazer, and a pair of white sneakers. My hands were filled with the book I haven't finished reading, since it doesn't fit inside my purse, and the subway card.

Everything was relatively great. I tapped my card on the gate and it opened up, allowing me to enter the platforms. I feel like being random today, so I eeny meeny miny moe-ed the platforms and it ended up on platform 4. Here we go I guess. I stood on the platform as I waited for the train to arrive. And to my luck today, a train stopped by in-front of me seconds after I'm done picking. I then walked in and sat down on one of the empty seats.

To summarize it all it was a relatively great day.

After a few moments, the train door closed and started moving. I then started to notice that the train was a little more crowded than when I first walked in. Even the seat beside me is taken by a boy, not that I actually cared. He looks like he's around my age. Maybe older.

I then slid in my card into one of my pockets and opened up my novels.

My eyes then begin to roam around the sentences. "I should hop off after 2 stops."

"A tall mirror stood against a wall in the great hall where the sisters played, it's silver frame mottled with tarnish. Love waved her hand over the glass and an image appeared," I silently read. I then stopped reading as I felt a pair of eyes scanning my figure. But, I shrugged it off and continued reading.

"Love's eyes, bright with feeling, met with Death's. "You're wrong," she said. "I've watched him since he was a child. I saw what happened to him, how cruelly his father treated him. He had to hide his heart. It was the only way he could survive!"," I read before finally placing the bookmark and closed the book. Seconds later, I heard a robotic woman's voice from the intercom, announcing that the train will arrive at the next stop shortly.

And with that, I stood up, making sure my skirt was fixed, and walked over to the train gate. And moments after, the door opened up and gave me access to walk outside. I then walked out and slid in one of my hands to my hands to my pockets to search for my card.

Panic started to rush in as I couldn't feel the physical existence of my card in my pocket. And just as I turned around, my eyes widened as I saw the train started moving.


I then started searching my other pockets and purse, but in the middle of my fiasco, a boy tapped on my shoulder and said, "Hi! I'm Minhyuk. I was sitting beside you on the train. Did you leave this behind?"

What's on his hand made my heart flutter in relief.

"Oh my God! Yes! Thank you so much! I'm Y/N by the way," I said to him.

"Hi, Y/N!" he said.

"Uhh, I should totally pay you back. Do you have plans for the day?"

"Actually no. Not really. I was just planning to walk around and maybe get some coffee," he replied.

"Oh, me too! Coffee's on mt then if you don't mind," you said.

"Of course, I don't!" he said cheerfully before pulling you to the gates.

You two then decided to go to a nearby cafe and chat there. He ended up getting your phone number and spending the rest of the day with you. Maybe a little chaos before the honey couldn't be that bad.


Word count: 753 words

A/N: Hiii!! I hope u enjoy this onee!! Also, happy belated birthday, Minhyukkiee!!! Ily uwu. Anyways, thanku for reading. I hope u enjoy ur week. Ik it's monday. Fighting!!

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