24. [30DWC] Day 14 : Sedate-Changkyun

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Another day, another nothing. You've been sitting in this apartment unit for what feels like an eternity. To make it easier for you to explain, your boyfriend, Changkyun, was a bit off before he decided to keep you in here.

He was being somewhat protective and possessive. In the beginning, you thought it was cute. You feel protected, you feel like you mattered. But, after time to time, his acts were pretty questionable and a bit psychotic, you could say.

He showed his problematic self when you're around guys.

As mentioned before, at first, it was somewhat normal, tolerable at least. In a public setting, he would ask to switch places so that you're away from them. If you thought about it, it's pretty normal right? He probably just doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable or something, feeling the need to fulfill his natural duty as a boyfriend.

But, he really went all out that one time.You have dropped your money when walking with him. You didn't notice of course, until you felt someone taps on your shoulder and asked, "Sorry, is this yours?" while holding ₩5,000 bill in his hand.

You then checked your back pockets and noticed that the economically valuable piece of paper you slipped in earlier wasn't there. Taking the money from his hand you thanked him while smiling politely.

What you didn't expect was Changkyun snapping out of nowhere. "Did you steal it?" he sternly asked the man before you.

You were of course startled by his reaction, and so you reproved him before he could say anything else and apologized to the guy before quickly dragging Changkyun away.

That was one time. Those kinds of things happened a few times, just because he said that he was scared of losing you.

But then he had this epiphany. It's not just guys who can snatch you away from him, but also girls. And so, he decided that it would probably be best if you weren't around them at all. Or in other words, isolation.

He basically locks you in your shared apartment, only letting you out for your classes and the rest is for him to deal with.

At first, it didn't bother you much, since you're introverted and enjoy alone times. But, the word "BORED" exists in this world and it's an inevitable feeling.

So, it's the nth day of you being locked in here. It's summer break which means no classes, something that students should be happy about. Except you. No classes means no excuses to go out. It's just so dull.

And today, is the day when you're finally going to try to run away. A stupid decision, it really is, and you can tell by yourself. But, what can you do? What you do realize is that Changkyun is getting scarier day by day and that you can't stay here forever. So, here you are, with a plan. A simple one. With the huge hope of this whole thing not backfiring.

You've packed some of your things in a bag or two. And you've hidden it somewhere in the most rarely opened cabinet in the kitchen, ready for you to grab as you ran out the door and into your freedom. Which you planned on doing while Changkyun's in the shower.

It's almost time for him to take a shower and so you sat quietly on the sofa, waiting for him to get in. He doesn't spend too much time during showers which means that you have to be quick.

"Good morning," you heard him say.

"Morning," you answered.

He approached you and kissed you lightly on your forehead. "Any plans for today?" he asked, whispering.

"I'm just gonna fix some of my notes after lunch," you answered, trying to look normal with your heart thumping inside you.

"Hmm okay," he kissed one of your cheeks before leaving you to get in the bathroom.

After hearing the door closed and the shower on, you sighed, "Now or never I guess," you muttered.

And with that you walked over the cabinet and took out your bags, putting a few water bottles inside. Your heart was cheering, excited to finally meet your freedom. But, those feelings were instantly gone when you heard his deep voice behind you.

"Going somewhere?" he asked, making your heart sink to the pit of your stomach.

You quickly turned around finding his eyes staring at you, with his hands behind his back. He then approached you and of course you could've done something but you could only froze there, with your heavy breaths.

Changkyun stopped his tracks after being a few centimetres in-front of you and both of his hands trapping you between his body and the kitchen counter.

"Why are you so nervous?" he chuckled, "I should've asked about your plans before lunch, shouldn't I?"

"Kyun, I love you, but you need help," you said, trying to push him away. But sad;y, he was stronger than you. Much stronger.

He then pushed you against the counter, pinning you against it. You tried getting him off of you, but panic seems to be overflowing your mind, therefore affecting your actions.

He slides one of his arms around you and pulls you closer. You then felt something sharp jabbed to your skin, making you hiss at the pain as you felt something else enter your system, making you feel physically weak.

"Please understand that I'm doing this because I love you, too," you heard him whisper before closing your eyes and falling into a deep sleep.


Word count: 927 words

A/N: HI! Happy late Valentines! I hope everyone's doing okay.

Anw, here's this week's updates. Don't forget to vote and comment if u want to! Thankuu byee!

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